Chapter 15

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         Spending the day with Theo. This should be fun. If it's anything like the last time. It will be. I just hope he understands and respects the boundaries I had put up. He's a very nice and cool guy. I just don't think he's my type. Don't get me wrong,  he is incredibly handsome. He's super tan , got a nice body and beautiful long black hair.

          I just am so in love with Liam that I can't and won't think of anyone else in that way again.

         I finally meet up with Theo at his house. Where Liam dropped me off. That was the most silent awkward car ride of my entire life. He was not pleased about having to bring me all the way here. I know hes not upset with me , but in the back of my mind that's what I been thinking.

           "Hey there" Theo says, giving me a tight hug. He seems to be in a very good mood today.

        "Hello Mr happy." I speak, giggling.

        "Always happy to see you." He says. Im Following him on to his porch. This house feels alot more comforting then Liam. His house is just so huge.

        "What's the plan today?" I ask. Just the Theo got a huge sly grin. I believe I am in for it now.

         "How about a day on the beach?" He ask.

       "Of course. Lead the way." I say making a hand gesture as for him to get on his feet and let's go. We hop in his big old rusty truck. It was at least a good 20 minute drive. The scenery around me all to beautiful. I soak in the smell of pine trees and the peacefulness of this. I love the outdoors. Nothing is more magical then it. Other then the touch of liams kiss.

          We arrive at the beach. Not to many people are here. I see a few people in the water. A couple of them surfing. I see a few people playing sand volleyball. Which sounds like a lot of fun.

          Theo and I decide to walk down the beach. Just a little. To find a better spot. We end up at the other end of the beach. A spot where nobody is at. It's a little more quite. You can hear the calming sound of the waters movement.

          "So." Theo says. Breaking the annoying silence.

          "What?" I ask. If he has something to say I wish he would just spit it out.

        "Us? What do you think?" He says. Looking out into the blissful ocean scenery. I am shocked by the question. I thought he knew and understood my boundaries. Apparently I was completely wrong about that.

         "Theo I thought we talked about this." I say. I sound a little disappointed. I have no idea if it's because of him or me. The thought that I might actually have a small embarrassing crush on him.

         "I know. Vampires. But I do want to try just one thing." He says turning his body a little more towards me.

        Then as soon as I looked at him. He kissed me. And I kissed back. What is wrong with me?! I kissed him back. I love Liam. How could I do this to him? How could I enjoy a kiss from another guy. Why was I not even angry at Theo for kissing me?!

       When he pulled away I turned my face away. I was embarrassed at the fact that I just kissed him. I am not a very happy person right now. I am just angry with myself. I'm going to have to tell Liam. I can't keep this from him. I even liked the kiss. And some part flattered me that Theo kissed me.

       I finally gather up the courage to look over at Theo. He looked blank. Like he was worried. I didn't awnser him right away and I kind of brushed him off. So I would be a tad bit worried myself.

        "I'm sorry." I managed to get out of my mouth.

       "For what?" He asked in a confused tone. Why am I telling him I'm sorry?! I should be saying that to Liam.

         "Nothing." I say turning my face back into the view of the ocean.

        "Are you Ok? I know I shouldn't have." He goes off.

          "No no. Your fine. I shouldn't have continued it. I should have stopped you. I also shouldn't have even liked it." I say making no eye contact at all with him.

     "You liked it?" He questions. I can almost here the smile creep across his face. I'm not a very nice person. I can not believe I would do something like that. This is only going to break liams heart.

         "In all honesty yes. But now it kind of all has me confused on my feelings." I say. Going into more detail then I even wanted to.

        "Look Hayden, I'm sorry. I'm here to be anything you want. Wether that's a friend or boyfriend. No matter what it is. I will except it." He says putting an arm around me for a sympathetic hug.

         We gather our things from the beach and hop back in his truck and drive to his house. Where Liam will be picking me up soon. I'm nervous as I can ever be to see him. I have to tell him. It would be worse if I kept this all a secret.  My conscious would never let me do that anyway. It would way to heavy on my heart.

         I have a little bit of time before Liam arrives so me and Theo go and chill in his room. Since ray is out in the living room with I assume is his girlfriend. I take a quick look at the small but packed room. I take a seat on the bed looking up at the tall tan man standing over me.

       "What?" He ask when he catches me staring at him.

       I quickly look away and down to my feet. "Nothing."

         "Don't worry I'm not gonna kiss you. But your vampire is here." He says . I gather my things and head to the front exit. It's time to face the truth. I take a big deep breath.

       I walk outside to see my gorgeous prince charming leaning against the car. Smile all across his face. When I reach him.  He hugs me and gives me a gentle kiss on my head. He notices something is off with him.

         "What's wrong my love?" He ask grabbing my chin and making me look up at him.

          "We kissed."

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