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Reading books like Call Me By Your Name or any book by Joey Graceffa makes me realize how bad I am at writing XD

Ethan's POV

"We're still having our SGD though, right?" Brian asks from the other side of the phone.

Saturday Game Day. SGD for short. It's what we called the Saturdays we hung out, which was every Saturday. All we did was play games in the living room. Almost every time we'd end up yelling at each other and my mom yells at us to quiet down or go outside. We usually go out to the park, and are forced to bring the twins and my sister. Andrew doesn't really care for it, he stays home.
(NoT yOu ANdReW TomLIn¡)

"Yeah, I just can't drive for a few weeks." I answer.

"Dude," Felix begins. "If I stayed out all night and didn't come back until ten, I'd be grounded for months! I wish my parents were like yours."

"If your parents were like mine, they'd think it'd be fun to have five children." I chuckle. "It is definitely not fun."

"Alls ya gotta do kick 'em in the face 'n run!" Mark says, making all of us on the call laugh.

I calmly walk into the kitchen, the socks covering my feet muting my steps. Keegan sat leaning on the counter staring at her phone. Noticing my presence, Keegan looks up at me, a smile beginning to grow. "Is that them? Are they coming?" She asks excitedly. She loved our SGDs. She loved being around my friends. It can get really annoying, having her always follow us around. Its like a smaller child following their older sibling around when they have a friend over. They want nothing to do with you, but when your friends come over, all they want is to be included.

I nod, opening the fridge for a water bottle. Hoping she'll shut up, I turn away from her and stand at the island after I had the drink in hand.

My hopes fell when she continued shooting questions at me. "Really? What are you guys playing today? Can I go against Mark? He seems pretty bad at any game you have."

"No," I state simply. "You are going to be a good little sister and stay away from us."

"Awe, c'mon Mark! I'm only two years younger than you!"

"Hey Keegan!" Tyler hollers in my ear, making me flinch.

"You're not on speakerphone." I say, redirecting my attention to the call taking place.

"Can you tell her I said hi then?"

"No," I answer.

"Mark!" Keegan whines. "I'm fifteen! I'm not that annoying little sister anymore!"

"Oh but you are." I scoff. My phone vibrates against my face. Pulling it away, the screen turns back on to show a notification covering the amount of time I've been on this call. Y/n messaged me asking what I was saying when I dropped her off and apologized for not listening. Wanting to answer her as soon as I could, but not wanting to miss anything the group says, I lightly press the button to allow them to be heard from all around the kitchen.

"Hi guys!" Keegan grins excitedly, happy she can hear them as well.

"Shut up," I mumble, opening Y/n's message. The guys reply in multiple greetings meant for Keegan. She peers over my shoulder and stares at my phone.

"Who's that?" She asks.

"A friend," Is all I answer with.

"Who's Y/n?"

"Like I just said. A friend."

Mark groans. "Don't tell me she's coming to SGD too. And her little friend Bexley. They're both annoying bitches."

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