‡ Chapter 20 ‡

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*What Jessie looks like counting the short gown. Just take out the necklace* >>picture to right


“I’m just messing with you,” she smirked and spun on her heel.  “I’ll take you to Romane.” 

Wanting to throw a shoe at her while somewhat...relieved?...I trailed behind her tiny frame.  When I past the children however, they all stopped what they were doing and smiled, some waving their miniature hands. 

I waved back, my cheeks continuing to hurt.  “Things have been weird since you got here,” the nurse explained.  She opened the door and we trailed down a long hallway painted in white.  The tiles clicked as she huddled on, my longer legs surprisingly having trouble catching up. 

I spoke in a distant tone, curious with my surroundings.  “Have they?”  Eagle members silently treaded past, their body shapes and faces different from one another.  Others were tall, some had stumpy legs.  Small chests, big chests, medium chests.  Feet ranging to ten different sizes.  Tomato noses to crooked, to pointy, to flat.  I haven’t seen such a variety since China. 

Variety in China?  I could make such a racist comment here, Jessie...

Immediately, I clouded the strange voice with this discovery. 

Snipers base was full of models, strikingly tall, broad shoulders, sharp cheekbones and bottle shaped figurines.  And here, dressed in white.  There, dressed in black.  After being in Snipers for so long, this felt foreign like those fabrics after my release. 

“...a few children stop and wave at the departing nurses but never once did all of them stop.  The nurses and I warned them not to go near you but a couple kissed your forehead or hands before scurrying into bed.”  Befuddled, she wrinkled her button nose and tossed a hand over her shoulder.  “Either way, they really like you.” 

I directed my attention to realize we halted in front of a metal door.  “They’re all quite lovely,” I said, recalling the pale bald beauty. 

She sighed and her pink lips curled up.  “They are.”  She twisted the knob.  “Our leader really is a good man.  The things he does...”  Pain struck her face.  “I don’t know what the children would do without him.” 

I hardly noticed her leaving me once I stepped in, the scenery catching my breath.  Huge, white puffy clouds floated by.  I quickly rushed up to the large windows and pressed my hands against the glass.  The sky never looked so blue.  Clouds bounced off the windows, the transportation I was in moving steady. 

“And you thought that tiny skyscraper was my base.” 

Twisting around, my gaze arrested on Romane who stood at the front, hands in pockets, wearing a contagious grin. 

“I’m guessing you couldn’t touch the stars from there?” I said, moving towards him. 

“Staring up at the sky wasn’t enough,” he said. 

“So you needed to actually be in the sky?” I joked. 

He swept his hand across the room.  “It’s one step closer to the stars.”

Producing my own smile, I stopped a step lower than him, awed by the scenery.  “This is Eagle Eye’s base, huh?  In the skies.  Oh how you humour me.” 

He walked towards a glass case, talking as he drew me in.  “Yeah, and the entire aircraft is shaped as an Eagle too.  We even have Obama’s face right on the top.” 

I was surprised when I laughed, unaware this man was capable of doing that.  “Are you serious?” 

“No,” he snorted, that smile growing right back.  He ran his hand along the glass case.  “This is what it looks like.” 

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