15. The Tutor

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*Recap of Chapter 14*

I turned around and saw Carson, I walked up to him. "So, want to get a coffee?"

"Um...how about we got the opposite way then go get a coffee later?"

"Carson, I want coffee now."

"Gracie, please be reasonable."

"Why? Why can't I have my coffee?"

He sighed. "Can I tell you when were a safe dis-"

"Carson!" I heard a girl yell from behind me. I turned around and a tall brunette girl was walking up. She was gorgeous.

He gave a hesitant smile. "Hi Maya."


"Carson it's so good to see you."

"Uh...Yeah, when exactly did you get here?"

"Well my parents and I just got back a couple nights ago and they re-enrolled me in here! Isn't that great! My grades are so perfect that the dean just had to let me in."

The peppiness this girl was giving off gave me a headache. I can't believe Carson was in love with her...I'm nothing like that...

"That's great Maya, well, I'm just going to-"

"Wait, Carson, I've been thinking a lot about what happened between us and I've been wanting to talk to you."

"There's nothing to talk about Maya."

"Well, I mean, it was kind of stupid and impulsive, which I am none of those things and you know that, but Dawson was just so convincing and-"

Weird, I'm both stupid and impulsive...

"Maya, seriously I don't want to hear this."

"Well, I think you should. I hurt you a lot and I know it was totally wrong. It was the one and only time that will ever happen. I promise. I was hoping maybe we could like...start where we left off?" She put her hand on his arm gently and jealousy flared up in me. I seriously don't think she even saw me. They were both like a foot taller than me.

"Maya, I'm sorry, but that's just not possible."

"Why not?"

"I kind of have a girlfriend."

"Kind of?" I snapped with my hand on my hip.

She finally looked over at me. "Her? She's your girlfriend?"

"Yeah, she's definitely my girlfriend. Not kind of, definitely." She said quickly trying to cover his tracks.

"But Carson, she's...nothing like me. She's short, blond, and I don't know she just doesn't seem like your type."

"I have a type?"

"Well, yes. You like girls that are sweet, smart, unimpulsive, classically romantic, and calm. She just doesn't give off that aura."

"Well, maybe different is good. Looks like I didn't have too much luck with 'my type' in the first place."

I laughed at that. "Burn!" I yelled.

She glared at me. "That's so immature." She sneered.

"Hey, I'm not the one that cheated on my totally perfect boyfriend with a lying douche." I shrugged.

Carson turned and smiled. "You think I'm perfect?"


"I'll take it." He shrugged.

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