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they rounded the corner, finding a long hallway with what seemed like stalls on one wall.

"what? so everyone can hear you pissing?"

hui laughed, hitting hyojong's shoulder. hyuna giggled. "it is quieter here, no?"

they could still hear love me right blasting from the speakers, but it was a little muted out. plus, there were only a few people back there, and they were all texting, making phone calls or downing six bottles of tequila at once.

hyuna whined. "i wanna sit."
hui pointed to the open stall with the seat down. "sit there. nobody is down here anyways, i doubt they'll need to shit in your stall, when there are like, 5 more." hyojong nodded in agreement.

"wait, i think i left my wallet out there," hui said, coughing. "one second." he ran back out.

hyojong and hyuna locked eyes for a second, and then tore away. hyojong started picking at his nails, unable to fill the deafening, uncomfortable silence. although he'd looked away, hyuna's piercing gaze still burned a hole in his head. however, he'd do anything not to meet her eyes. his face would erupt in flames. he'd look like a cherry.

but, somehow, an imaginary force pulled his head upward to look right back. his face didn't erupt in flames, yet hers did.


his eyes widened.

"can i have a hug?"

his heart beat slowed - just a bit. although, he didn't know what he was expecting. what was hyuna gonna say? hyojong, come kiss me in a stinky bathroom stall. unlikely.

he shuffled to her, arms outstretched. immediately, her hands wrapped around his torso. she pressed her head into his chest, closing her eyes. hyojong slowly rested his arms on her back.

he was about to speak, but she beat him to it.
"it's... weird," she pulled away, but her hands still sat on his waist. "i killed someone. twice." she shook her head, swallowing. "you're hugging a murderer, hyojong."

he didn't move. "i know. i've known. a few days ago, you commited manslaughter. maybe yesterday or something, you killed a cop." he inhaled. "i know."

hyuna arched an eyebrow. "then why are you still here?" her hands dropped. "you strike me as a quiet, frightened, odd boy. that's how you seemed to me when we first met. yet here you are, stealing and hugging me. you're full of surprises."

hyojong shrugged. then, he noticed how close they were. the stall was small - not meant for two people.

"i like suprises, actually." hyuna said, leaning against the bathroom wall.

hyojong scratched the back of his neck.

"i like birthday surprises the most. waking up to nothing, not even a cake, and then turning on the lights and, bam, all your loved ones are there." she giggled. "my birthday passed last week."

she looked at hyojong again, cocking her head to the side. "wanna know what fascinates me?"



his face turned bright red, and he tried to look away. yet he couldn't. it seemed as if hyuna had him under a spell. his eyes didn't move, but he wished they would. he wished hui could find his stupid wallet and get back here.

but, at the same time - he didn't.

hyuna grabbed his hands unexpectedly, examining them. "stop biting your nails."

hyojong shrugged. "maybe. it's a bad habit, i guess."

hyuna dropped his arms, returning his gaze once more.

"should i go?" hyojong said, taking a step towards the stall door. "it's kinda cramped in here. we can hug out there, maybe."

hyuna didn't say anything, just looked hyojong head to toe. "fascinating," she said once she got to his face. "you're pretty - have you ever thought of becoming uh, a model - perhaps?"

"a model? no," he laughed. "i don't think i could."

"professional dancer?"

"i wish i could."

hyuna blinked heavily. "i wish i could kiss you right now."

hyojong's face flushed an even deeper red. he looked away, trying to make up a sentence. he smiled awkwardly, scratching his neck. taking a deep breath, trying to calm himself, he looked at her. "some wishes come true."

hyuna arched her eyebrow. "is that so? will this one be granted?"

hyojong, blushing, half shrugged with his right shoulder. "maybe. do you really wish it?"

"and if i do?"

"maybe it'll come true."

and then he closed the space between them.

(literally this was so bad i'm gonna strangle myself hyuna hyojong i am so fucking sorry that i would EVER)

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