Part 1

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Pre-warning, this story has graphic sense of violence. But if you are emotional or hate suicidal attempts and thoughts, war and violence... I don't recommend this story to you.

Character Preview:

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"Here's the last box of things we got from the house" Edd sighs as he walks past Tom tinkering and trying to piece together his old bass guitar on the kitchen table

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"Here's the last box of things we got from the house" Edd sighs as he walks past Tom tinkering and trying to piece together his old bass guitar on the kitchen table. Tom looks up and lowers the piece he has in his hand to the table. Smiling a little at a frowning and annoyed Edd carrying a small box.

"Thanks. Uh... Put it with the rest" Tom awkwardly says with a fake friendly smile. No happier than Edd was to be doing this. But Edd obeys and tips the boxes contents into a the pile, only adding to the pile of ashes left from the house, the odd few items not burned scattered within the pile of grey and black ashes.

"Huh, Lucky you brought this place when you did" Edd says, holding the empty box in one arm, using the other to emphasize his point of the apartment.

"Ha, yeah... Shame there's only room for me though. The picture made it look a lot bigger" Tom compares the expectation vs reality of the photo he had of the apartment.

"Eh, my new place isn't much bigger" Edd admits. "Matts just finished redecorating his" Edd rolls his eyes, doing the finger gesture. Edd cracks open a can of cola.

"Well, I-I guess it's time for me to go" Edd smiles with an awkward wince type gesture.

"But you just got here?" Tom shoots Edd a questioning glance.

"I'm gonna miss this old place" Edd smiles as he backs towards the door.

"This is the first time you've ever been here" Tom widens his arms to exaggerate his point with wide eyes.

"Ah yup, whole lot of memories" Edd says as he somehow is out the door in the hallway. Tom gives a blank look with annoyed eyes that soften to a smile.

"I'll see you around Edd" Tom smiles.

"See ya, Tom" Edd smiles with a can of cola in his hand, waving with one finger before shutting the door with a sigh. The betrayal of Tord being a painful reminder of their stupidity. His own especially, he should of known by Tom's actions that Tord wasn't good. Tom knew what they hadn't noticed as quick... That Tord was the leader of the Red army, there was no coming back from that. No way to try come back into their lives. It would never be the same, he knew... But what he didn't know, that the unknown figure smirking behind a white wooden door as they watch through peeping hole of their apartment. The figure opens his door and leans against the door frame in time for Edd to be passing.

"Howdy neighbor"

"Hey Matt" Edd smiles, turning his head to look at Matt.

"Wanna watch Insane Zombie pirates 5?" Matt asks, holding up the dvd case.

"Sure" Edd smiles with an excited tone of voice.

--After the movie--
Tom sighed as he closes his apartment door after watching the movie with Edd and Matt. Dissapointed in himself for not confirming his suspicions earlier and stopping Tord before he blew up their only home they had all known. They'd lost everything from Tord exploding their house, Tom snarling at the thought of Tord's stupid failed attempt of killing him. It hurt like hell. He grips his arm that was wrapped in bandages, cut by the rubble of the house after he'd been trapped under it. But to his luck he'd been next to his Harpoon gun that he considered a valued family member, more valued since it had stopped Tord conquering the world as they'd watched Tord's robot go down after being shot down my Tom himself. He hoped he'd shot Tord dead with the crashing robot.
Tom smirked at his victory and the thought of his enemy dead.
A large gun cocked and ready to fire hanging above the door incase Tord ever came back.

---later in the evening---
Tom paces angrily around his small apartment. Hands balled in tightly clenched fists with white knuckles, his fingernails digging into the palm of his hand but he couldn't care less. Anger consuming him like a flame over a house in a matter of seconds. He keeps pacing side to side, ready to punch something. His face red; steaming with anger. Gritting his teeth with his jaw set forward.
The vile thought of Tord in his head, his betrayal burns and boils Toms blood, thickening it to a poison brew within his veins.
He mumbles drunken gibberish under his breath. Swirling a the liquid content within the glass bottle that he brings to his lips. Taking a long swig of the strong smelling spirits that he loved the taste off and couldn't live without. Smirnoff. He lowers the bottle from his lips, bringing the bottle to just before his black abises of his so called eyes. Swirling the remaining liquid again with the splashes of liquid against the sides of the glass bottle meeting his ears. His gaze looks through the glass bottle, seeing something on the other side that made him somewhat smile. Tom stops staring intriguingly at the bottle. Glancing over at his loaded harpoon gun in the corner making him grin. It was the only family and friend that hadn't betrayed or hurt him yet. He never wants to see him again or have him try take over again.

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