What's wrong with me?

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No.  This can't be happening.  Lance and I haven't even been together for a full year yet.  I'm a guy for Christ sake!  This is not right.  It has to be something else.  We didn't even do the do did we?  Oh.  Oh my God.  On that... That mission in the base.  We did it in the closet of our room in the Blade of Marmara base.  No, I'm getting ahead of myself this can't happen.  What will Lance think of me?  If this is true then what will he do?!  Will he think I'm a freak?  Please no.  I may not have been dating him for that long but I still love him!  What will he do?  Just as I was thinking these things and taking in what could be happening to me my thoughts were interrupted by the door opening.  It was in that moment that I prayed that Lance wasn't the one walking in.

"Oh!  Hello Keith!  What brings you in here?" Coran asked.  Oh thank the universe it was just him.  I closed down the screen that showed my vitals... and my possible child's vitals.  I stood in front of the panel so that he couldn't see what I was doing.  

"Um, nothing!  Just bored I guess?" I said nervously.  He gave me a sideways look.

"Why aren't you training then?  And why here?  Keith what's going on?" Coran walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Um... I need you to explain something for me but promise not to judge please?" I said hesitantly pulling up the screen to show the second heartbeat.  Coran looked at the screen and then at me.  He looked at the screen again and thought. Then he finally spoke.

"Is it Lance's?" Was all he said.  I shot him a look that told him to shut up.  He realized his mistake and continued.  "Well my boy, I dont know how to explain this or even how this is possible, but maybe you could have one of your Galra friends explain to you.   Maybe Kolivan could explain?  I'll go call him if that's okay." I nodded and followed him to the bridge.  He pulled up a screen and it started ringing.  Kolivan answered the call, he was scowling like always.

"Hello Keith.  Coran.  Why may I do for you?  Is there another mission coming up that the Blade needs to accompany Voltron on?" He asked, then he saw the looks on our faces.  His expression turned from a scowl to a concerned look.

"I'm afraid not Kolivan.  We seem to have an issue with the red paladin here.  You see he has two heartbeats and we were wondering if you could explain how...?" Coran asked hesitantly.

"Ah yes I knew this would happen.  Keith... You are a Galra, and you know that, but what you didn't know is that you are a Galran omega.  I smelled it on you when I first met you and I knew this was going to happen.  Congratulations Keith, You're pregnant." He said this rather calmly.  I stood there silently.  Coran must have seen my face and my hand move uncontrollably to my stomach.  Before Coran could say anything I walked out of the room and made it to my room as fast as I could so that I could cry without anybody seeing me let out any sign of weakness.  

I was sitting on the floor in a ball, the door was locked, and I started crying.  I sat there and cried until I couldn't anymore.  I heard a knock on the door, expecting it to be Coran, but instead I heard a voice that would always make my chest flutter with happiness.

"Hey babe... You okay?  Coran said that something happened and I can't just sit out here without an explanation.  What's wrong honey?" Lance was standing outside my door.  I opened it and walked over to the middle of the room.  He followed me as I engulfed him in a hug.  I nuzzled into his neck shedding a few tears.  I was about to explain everything when I felt a weird sensation.  I started to glow and then it all went black.  I woke up to a face that looked an awful lot like Lance but... more defined?  And there was a small scar on his left eyebrow and a slightly bigger one on his cheek/chin area.  

"Oh shit..." He said.  I blacked out again.

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