Hello there!

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Hello there!

I'm back! 

Or, as my fellow Night at the Museum-lovers would say: 

"I am a centuries old Egyptian Farao, I was dead, but now I have come BACK TO LIFE!"


Well dearies, I've had a tough time lately. I have been dealing with a high level of stress and school was just killing me... again. Honestly, not to win your pity, but I've been working on things for school which caused me to sleep merely three hours a day, and that caused me to be even more stressed out. It's just a constant pressure which is basically pushing me down every time I try to get up and do something. I've been dealing with some sort of a breakdown and I fear that it's not over yet. All this resulted in fatigue, no time to do anything else than study, and a high level of self-hatred so I wasn't able write nor do anything else that learn and learn and learn... 

Don't think I had forgotten about you! Quite the opposite, actually!

I am so sorry, dearies...

Most of all sorry to the person who are expecting a request to be written. I have nine requests open, and they all need to be finished. They will be... in time. 

But now I've got vacation and even though I still have three projects to work on, I have a bit more time left. 

So I'll be updating again! Yay! ;-)

Maybe some things with MARVEL will come since I'm hooked on Black Panther and I will be seeing Infinity War soon, which is creeping me out in a good way! 

*Crossing fingers* Please don't die, Avengers, please don't die!

I hope you will like the new chapters that will come, and I hope you forgive me and my problems. 

And I hope you're all well! ;-)

Is there anyone who will be seeing Infinity War as well? Maybe someone who has already seen it? Tom is just amazing as Loki and don't even get me started on Benedict Cumberbatch! <3

*Dreamily sighs*

Well, dearies, hopefully I'll see you soon!


Catch you later!


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