Chapter 3 - New York Tour

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I woke up at 6 and decided to wear comfortable clothes for the tour. I chose a loose sweater and some jeans. I took a nice long shower and got dressed. I checked my neck to see the handprints were much more visible. I took out the makeup box Care had forced me to buy and tried my best to cover the prints up which proved to be difficult since I rarely do makeup. I had booked a ticket for a tour which would last the whole day. It would go through all the parts of New York even stop for an hour at the Museum of NYC. I was excited about all of it. I would get to visit all the landmarks and even experience it at night. I decided to take a small bag with me. I put stakes and darts in it along with a bottle of water, my phone, journal and some candies I bought yesterday, because well it's chocolate. I also took the Polaroid camera dad had bought for me so that I could capture the best of New York and paint him pictures when I get back. I had decided to walk since I had time. I locked the apartment and put the keys in my bag, before taking out my phone and calling Jer. He picked up after the third ring.

"Hello?" He asked sounding half asleep

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"Hello?" He asked sounding half asleep. Oops? "Hey, Jer. Sorry, I woke you up." I told him as I walked the streets seeing it was filled with people even though it was early and a Sunday. "No Elle it's fine. Everything okay?" He asked a bit worried and tired. "Yeah, Jer everything's fine. I just wanted to ask you something." I told him and saw a small bakery deciding to go eat something and get some coffee. "Okay. What is it?" He asks with a yawn. "So last night I took Care and Ty's advice and went to the club. As I was coming back home some vampire attacked me..." Before I could finish my sentence, Jer shouted down the phone. "What? Oh my god, Elle are you okay? Do we need to come there? Are you in the hospital?" Before he could freak out more. I told him to calm down and continued, "Relax Jer. I'm fine. I, um killed him. But that's not what I wanted to talk about. So after I killed the vamp two people just walk in and claimed that they want to train me to kill vampires and one of them was a vampire. Wow, that sounds weirder when I say it out loud. So I was thinking that it wouldn't be a bad idea since getting training from supernatural creatures would be very useful. What do you think?" I ask him while chewing my bottom lip, nervous for his answer. "I don't know. I mean it would make sense to take training from them but can you trust them?" The question that has been bothering me. "I think so. I mean I don't get a bad feeling from them. You can think about it since I really want your opinion. I'll call you after my tour?" I ask him since I didn't want him to answer me right away too scared he would say no. "Yeah okay. Have fun, Elle. I love you." I smile at that and feel glad to always have him. "I will. Love you too Jer." I cut the call and realize I haven't even ordered yet. I go and order a coffee and a breakfast muffin. I thank the woman at the counter and sit to eat.

I had finally reached the place where I was supposed to board the bus and waited for it. "Well if it isn't the huntress." I hear someone say from behind me and turn to see the two guys from last night again. Great. "So what you're stalking me now?" I ask them with an irritated look. "We just wanted to make sure you were safe. It is a big bad world." The vampire says with a smirk. "Right. You were such a great help last night, I don't think I would've survived without your help." I tell him with a sarcastic smile before continuing. "Look can you please leave me alone to think. I just want to relax today. From tomorrow my classes are going to start and everything will be hectic. So just leave me be for a day. Okay?" I say with a little anger and they both exchange a look before turning back to me. "How about you come with us? We'll take you to tour New York and there will be no mention of our offer. Just a day off. This way you can get to know us and decide whether or not to trust us." The non-vampire asks with a small smile. "I don't know. You know I don't even know your names, trusting you is far fetched right now." I tell them while also debating whether or not to go. "Right. How rude of us, we haven't formally introduced ourselves. I'm Ares." The non-vampire says while offering a small smile. "I'm Noah." The vampire says also smiling. "Arielle," I tell them and extend my hand to Ares. He takes it and gives a small squeeze. I smile at him and decide that it can't be that bad since if they wanted to kill me they would've already done it. Noah smirks as though he knows I'm going with them. Creepy. "Fine. Let's go." I say and Ares grabs my hand and drags me to their car I think. I'm proved right when we stop in front of a very beautiful sleek black BMW.

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