Chapter Sixteen - The Hilltop

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Song of the chapter - This is me 


The laughter's awoke me from my slumber and I opened my eyes to the sun blaring through the crack in the curtains. I reached out my hand to feel Carl but he wasn't there. I searched the room for him but he wasn't anywhere. "Carl?" I spoke up and there was no answer. I sat up and rubbed my eyes from the lack of sleep. I wished I could sleep here all day but I couldn't, we had work to do around this place. 

I swung my legs to the side of the bed and stood up making my muscles ache from last night. Last night was a night I would never change for the world. The world was mine and Carl's oyster. Nothing changed that. I walked in front of the mirror and saw the mess of my neck. God damn, Carl. It wasn't in too much of a state but I didn't want Rick Grimes seeing this. Maybe he won't be angry or anything.  

I sighed to myself and walked over to my drawers to collect my jeans and a shirt. From downstairs I could hear multiple laughs from Maggie, Glenn and Carl. At least he was still here. After I got changed, I brushed my teeth and grabbed my knife on the table beside the bed. With that, I walked downstairs and immediately seen Maggie, Glenn and Carl around the table. 

"Good morning." Glenn smiled at me and I frowned slightly. Why was he being so happy for? Why was he smiling so weirdly at me? "Morning..." I smiled back at him and Carl stood up, walking over to me and kissing my lips gently. "Did you have a good sleep?" He asked as he held his hand on my waist. I smiled at him and chuckled slightly. "Of course I did." I admitted and he nodded. "Good." He said back and tapped his hand on my butt slightly. 

I shook my head and reached over to grab a glass of water. I leaned on the work top and looked over to Maggie and Glenn. "What's the plan for today?" I asked and Maggie looked over at Glenn. I wondered what was so important? Maggie sighed and looked back at me for a second. "Rick told me, before Deanna died, she gave him a map of a place called the hilltop. They supposedly have doctors, food and water to last for ages. We're going today." Maggie explained to me and I nodded. 

I was so glad we were going somewhere with more people, another community. "When do we go?" I asked them and Glenn spoke up. "Rick's outside with Michonne getting the fuel filled up in the RV. You can go help if you want." Glenn said and I nodded. "Coming?" I asked Carl as I put my empty glass on the side in the kitchen. "Yeah." He answered and nodded. Carl walked over to me and grabbed my hand but just before we could leave, Glenn called us.

We both looked back at them and I saw Glenn smiling with Maggie. "Next time, get your own house and then you can do the shit you done last night, alone. OR keep the noise down please. Pretty sure we are both deaf." Glenn said and I felt a massive amount of heat rise to my cheeks. Carl chuckled deeply and spoke up. "Take some notes Glenn." Carl said and winked. "Carl. I mean it as well. You better not get her pregnant." Maggie said and pointed a finger at him. 

I laughed as I stared at them both but Carl just shook it off. "I won't, I won't." He said and we both walked out of the house. As we saw everyone go to the RV I noticed a guy I have never seen before. He wore a hat and a very long black jacket like he was some cult leader of a sort. He had a very long beard and long hair. He looked very peculiar. 

"Have you seen him before?" I asked Carl as we stopped. I looked up at him as he squinted his eye at the man and I knew his answer so I don't know why I asked. "Of course not, let's go find my dad." Carl said and leaded me to the RV. Abraham was standing with Rosita and Tara as they were filling up the fuel. "Woah, dude what happened to your neck?" Tara exclaimed and I grabbed my neck embarrassingly. "Err-" "You better make sure Rick or Daryl don't see that." Abraham chuckled to himself and I shook my head. 

"We're seventeen, don't think we can make anymore bad decisions." Carl spoke. "Speaking of my dad, have you seen him?" He asked Rosita and he pointed over to Michonne and him, with lips connected. What the hell? When did they get together? Have they always been together? I looked up at Carl and the image on his face was just blank. I guess he's gotten used to seeing his dad with other people. 

"Did you know-" "-No... I didn't." He answered and his dad broke apart of Michonne. Rick looked over to us as we stared at them both with our hands connected. Carol suddenly walked up to him and handed over Judith. She clung onto her father and Rick started to walked over to us. Carl sighed and let go of my hand and picked up the tub of fuel to put in the RV. He stood in front of us as Carl was holding the tub of fuel.

"Look Carl, I was gonna tell you about me and Michonne but it just happened. It just happened, last night." Rick spoke and I looked at Carl, waiting for him to answer but he kept a straight face at his father. Rick waited too but he spoke up again. "This is-this is different." He stuttered as he was starting to get nervous for his sons reaction of a sort. 

Finally, Carl smiled at him and starting to speak up. "It's cool." Carl smiled at his dad and I smiled too. Rick looked down at me and I smiled at him. "It's fine." I spoke up and he smiled at me. "Good. What happened to your neck?" Rick asked, changing the subject. Oh shit. Carl looked at me and I stared at him. "I... Errrr-" "-It was me of course. We had err..." "Right okay. Just don't make stupid decisions. Not like Glenn and Maggie." Rick muttered underneath his breath as he bounced Judith.

"You mean your not mad?" Carl asked and I frowned slightly. How wasn't Rick angry about this? Well we are seventeen. "Your both seventeen, how can I be mad? That isn't my place. Anyway, go grab your stuff, I'll let Gabriel look after Judith for a while." Rick said and stared down at his beautiful daughter. "No, I'm not coming." Carl spoke up and I stared at him. Wait? Why wasn't he coming? 

"Someones gotta stay back, keep this place safe. Kid with a messed up face wouldn't make the best first impression anyway." Carl poured out and Rick just stared at him. He probably couldn't believe what he had just said. I mean, I couldn't. What Carl had just poured out, broke my heart. I couldn't believe that Carl thought his face was messed up. 

Rick sighed and handed Judith over to him. "You coming?" Rick asked me and I stared at Carl. I needed to go. I needed to see this place for myself. Carl stared at me. I knew he didn't want me to go because he wasn't with me. "Yeah, I'll go." I said and nodded at Carl. He nodded and Rick walked away from us, making his way into the RV and grabbing the fuel tank from Carl. 

"I know you don't want me to go Carl but I need to see this place for myself." I admitted as he stared down at Judith. "Yeah, I know I just wanna make sure your safe. Don't leave my dads side. Please just be safe, I'll see you when you get back, yeah?" He said and grabbed my cheek with one of his hands. "Yeah, I love you." I said and grabbed onto his waist, leaning up to kiss his plump lips. 

He pulled my face further into him and kissed me gently. "I love you too." He said and pulled away from me. "Please be safe." He whispered into my neck as he hugged me tightly. I pulled away and he smiled at me slightly. "I'll be back soon." I said and I heard banged on the RV. "Let's go!" I heard Abraham yell and I looked behind me to see him standing there waiting for everyone to come. 

Carl nodded and I walked into the RV as Daryl was at the same time. "What is THAT on your neck?" Daryl pointed as we walked in the RV where everyone else was. "None of your business Daryl." I spoke back and chuckled slightly. I sat down on the couch in the RV beside Glenn and Maggie. "He better be treatin' you right girl." Daryl spoke up as he cleaned his arrows. "He is Daryl, he is." I answered and I heard Michonne laughed to herself. 

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