83| the texas sized smile

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Asanda | Colton


"Hi Chicken, I am so sorry I couldn't call you yesterday because it was Carly's birthday and it was crazy we did so many things that I couldn't have the chance to answer your calls and--"

"Hey ... you don't need to explain yourself. How was it?"

"Crazy. I went to Carly's place around five in the morning--"

"--You must seriously love your friend to sacrifice your sleep."

"--It was only for yesterday and yes I love her although I wouldn't wake up that early in the morning ever again. Anyway, I got there with her present--"

"--which was?--"

"I was getting there, I got her that dress she has been eyeing and she wore it for college after that--"

"--Can you just get to the good part already?"

"Can you just shut up already?!"

"Keeping quiet."

"Thank you. She got tons of other presents from her friends. We decided to go out of school early so that we could go to the aquarium where we actually swam with the fish--"

"--You didn't get bitten by a shark right?"

"I'm talking to you aren't I?"

"Right you are."

"Can I carry on now?"

"Please do."

"Thank you, I took her to a dolphin cove where we swam with them again. Oh my gosh they were so cute and small and--"

"--I get it, get on with it already!"


"Shutting up."

"Ugh, so we went to a petting zoo after that where we were almost chased by an ostrich..."

"How did that come to be?"

"Some naughty boys who were at the petting zoo decided to throw some sand at the ostrich we were petting and they were next to us and the ostrich nearly jumped out of his pen to chase us and them but one of the workers managed to subdue the ostrich."

"Well that's crazy ..."

"You have no idea. But it was funny though, as well as traumatizing but more funny."

"What happened next?"

"We played a treasure hunt game and we won two tickets to see a movie of our choice."


"I know right? Anyway we went to see a movie called Rocky Roads which was a crappy action movie but the males playing there were pretty hot to look at so I wasn't complaining."

"I am."

"Get over yourself. You're not Channing Tatum."

"No I'm not but I'm hotter than him."

"Please, in your dreams."

"Reality baby girl."

"Imagination baby boy."

"Good one but don't call me baby boy. It's weird."

"Then don't call me baby girl, its weird."

"No its not. You love my nickname for you, plus it suits you because you're my baby girl..."


"Blushing again?"

"I'm black... I can't blush."

"You can, it just doesn't show but I know you have a smile the size of texas right now."

"Don't be ridiculous, I don't have a texas sized smile on my face."

"You do."

"Keep on dreaming."

"Always baby girl."

"... I walked into that one."

Guys, this is legit my favourite chapter in the entire book

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Guys, this is legit my favourite chapter in the entire book. It makes me smile.

Plus about the ostrich thing, I actually got chased by an ostrich during my fourth grade field trip to the zoo lol. At that time it was the most terrifying experience of my life but it's actually hilarious now.

Written: 02 May 2018
Published: 17 May 2020

---562 Words---

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