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"Hello Ms.Vance" the lady greeted me

I nodded at her and my mama nudged me "Say Hello"

"Hi" I waved cracking a fake ass smile.

"Ok so. I'm gonna start off asking her a few questions about her. Mom you mind stepping out"? She looked at my mama

She nodddd "Oh yeah sure" she got up walking waiting for her to close the door behind her.

"Ok! Soooo, do you know why your here-"?

"No" I cut her off

She laughed "K, uhm. Well your here because of your prior incident that occurred at school back in February and you got expelled because of your fight and everything right"?

I just looked at her

"Ok. Well, I'm here to help you get yourself together and just make sure your on track and in the right state of mind. So when you do enter school again after the summer ends. We want to make sure you don't restart your old habits and you know, just being able to go to school and get your education without any problems in the way right?"

I just looked at her again. Bitch I have a probation officer for this type of shit, fuck you.

"And I'm going to be your anger management counselor until you beat this program and show you've changed. And you'll come here three days a week for about 30 minutes to an hour. I'll just talk to you and see how everything is going. You can come to me about anything as well. Any personal problems, boy problems, problems about anything. Ok! I'm here for anything you need and I'm also here so you know how to control your anger" She put a paper on top of a file fixing her glasses.

I just stared at her in confusion.

"K, I'm gonna ask you a few questions about yourself and your retaliation. And I want you to give me your honest answer"

I sighed

I still don't get why I'm here but whatever bitch go off..

She fixed her glasses again "Ok. Say you are in the hallway during passing period and someone carelessly bumps into you kind of hard. What will you do? Be honest.."

I shrugged "Probably cuss them out to be completely honest with you"

She nodded real slow "Ok... and what will you exactly say"?

"Can I cuss"? I said

"I mean, if you'll cuss them out. I wanna know what will be said so go for it" she shrugged

"I probably be like. Bitch watch where the fuck you going or some shit you know" I shrugged sucking my teeth

She cleared her throw nodding "Alright. Say your in the lunch line and someone steps on your shoe and bumps you. What will you say to them"?

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