The thought

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The remaining time flew by, the bell finally rung. "Oh! Have a great weekend." She said as I packed my stuff and left the classroom as quickly as possible, I looked around to see if the coast is clear. Couldn't see anything out of the ordinary or the sounds of nerds yelping in fear.

Blending myself with a small crowd of students I head down the stairs and exit the building. Luckily most of the students paid no mind to me and just left me alone, I was almost out of the clear all I needed to do was to leave the school grounds and make a run for it.

"Shut it neeeerd" I look behind me to see a kid being lifted up by the collar, trying to cover his face. I went forward pretending like I heard nothing a few other students went past me and try to stop Ched. It was going fine,

"Hey boss its that camera faced freak!" One of his goons spotted me, right when I just past the gate. "Hey freak don't think your getting away from me!" I make a break for it I bumped into a couple other students and also most tripping on my own two feet. My legs were hurting but I kept on pushing, I finally saw my house come into view. I fumble for the house keys out of my pocket and frantically open the door, I entered the house and closed the door behind me.

Letting out a sigh of relief knowing I won't be punched in the face today (and possible get stuck to the flag pole), I take off my shoes and place then on the rack. I drag my feet in to the living room past the couch the held my sleeping father and up the stairs.

Upon entering my room I put my bag on the side of my desk and flopped onto my bed. I laid there for a couple minutes before forcing myself to do my math homework. "At least I finished my book report yesterday" I thought to myself, putting my math homework on my desk I begin to work.

I finished my homework by the time my parents leave, it would've gone faster if I hadn't been goofing off here and there but nevertheless I finished it. I put everything back in my bag and returned to my bed,

"Huh?" I pick a yellow petal off my nose, "oh right the petals" I grab my trash bin and pushed the petals into the bin, I placed the bin under my desk. Out of the corner of my eye I spot the locket, I grab the locket to get a better look at. On the back I found an inscription

Best friends forever
..... And Cory

One of the names was scratched out, the locket opened but no picture was found. I put the locket in my pocket and went down stairs, I found my older brother on the couch drinking a soda can.

"Hey twerp get me another can will ya?" He threw the can at my head, I growled at him but complied. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, I looked around until I found another soda can. "Why don't you get yourself for once pig," I mumbled "What was that?
"Nothing" I went back in to the kitchen to make myself a ham sandwich my dinner for tonight. After I finished I went to my room and flopped onto my bed, I felt tired all of a sudden my eyelids became heavy as I drifted to sleep.

"Hey Cory?"
"We'll be best friends forever right?"
"Of course [Who are you?], we'll always be best friends no matter what"
"Oh! I forgot. I brought this to represent our friendship Cory"
[Its the locket!]
"Do you like it?"
"Yes, very much so"

I awake from my sleep, replaying back to the recent dream. "The locket, she's the one who gave it to me. I couldn't see her face...." I rub my head realizing that I didn't take the camera off, "Explains why I felt uncomfortable while I slept." I look at the clock that sat on my night stand. "Huh, its 4 am. I should take a quick shower and make my way to Mt.Ebott. Maybe I could catch the sunrise" I quickly freshen myself, packed myself a sandwich,brushed my teeth and grabbed a flashlight. I quietly my way to the door, put on my shoes and left.


May the sun rise


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