Chapter 31

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Harry's POV

"What the fuck were you thinking when you brought Raiza into the woods!?" I yelled as I entered the room where all of these odious demons were. The sense of alcohol and cigarettes could be smell all over the room.

"What the fuck were you thinking by interfering while I was taking her soul!?" Zayn yelled back at me. He pounced on me and we started fighting. Shit was about to go down.

I punched that fucking bastard at least ten times before he did an unexpected movement and managed to punch me back. He grabbed me by the neck and threw me to the other side of the room.

"50 bucks to Zayn." I heard Louis saying.

"Deal. 60 to Harry." Niall said, cracking his knuckles.

I laughed. Those fuckers don't lose a chance to win money. I got up and ran towards Zayn. I tackled him, making him hit the wall with his back.

"Ok, you two break it up!" Liam said, separating us. 

No, I'm not over yet. "You almost ruin everything, you fucking idiot!" I said, punching him again in that annoying face.

"It was taking you ages to do it so I had the chance and I took it, fucker!" Zayn said, punching me back.

"Shit, ok. Whatever just kill each other." Liam said, walking away annoyed. "I don't fucking care."

Zayn's eyes were pitch black as well as mine. I could sense the threat in his eyes and I knew he was going to fight this time; really fight. But suddenly something broke the atmosphere and caught our attention.

"The psychic bitch is near." Zayn said.

"How the fuck didn't she sense you when you went to Raiza's dorm?" I asked, interested.

"Unlike you Harry I plan things meticulously. I thought about how to deceive that bitch." I rolled my eyes at his blunt remark. I didn't have time for his 'I'm better than you' shit.


"It's all about perception, idiot. I didn't show myself, instead I used a 'smoke curtain' so I didn't get busted." He said with a mocking tone. "A decoy." 

A 'blind perception'. Fuck, why didn't I think about that? Now that bitch won't leave me alone. 

Anyway, non filthy human being has never been a problem for me. I could make their death look like an unfortunately accident and c'est fini, au revoir.

"Don't you dare to interfere on my business again, you heard!?" I yelled at him before leaving. "I saw her first. And I'm going to be the one who sees her last breathe leaves her lips and her last glimpse of life slowly fade away from her eyes." I would love to finish my fight with this bastard but I should better take care of the unwanted visitor before he did. I left the room and walked towards the direction I sensed the 'psybitch'. 

"What do you want now?" I said, indifferent.

"What? Did I interrupt your twisted activities with your little demon friends?" The black haired girl said. "Your kind disgusts me."

"Do you know what happens to your kind?" I smirked. Two could play this game. 

"My kind? Uh, let's time I check I was a human being and you were still a demon."

"Divina Commedia."


"In Dante's Divine Comedy fortune-tellers have to walk forward with their heads on backward, unable to see what is ahead, because they always tried to see the future." I instructed this human with some Italian philosophical literature. "You're a sinner like everybody else. And each sin's punishment in Inferno is a contrapasso, a symbolic instance of poetic justice."

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