Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

I awoke to the sound of shuffling. Ezra was sitting up in my bed with his head in his hands. It was strange that I felt a slight spike of anxiety surge through me as I realized I would have to explain why he spent the night.  

That, and it seemed I always got a bit anxious in the presence of Ezra. He's intimidating in every way possible.

My entire body ached as I stood up from the cramped chair and stretched. I'd probably have felt better just sleeping on the floor.

I tried to force a smile that never really showed up, "Uhh, hey." I cringed at my poor choice of words. I took a step closer to him, "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." He muttered, looking exactly like that. Shit.

"Yeah, well you overdosed and scared the hell out of me. You could have died you know."

He didn't seem surprised at all. In fact, there wasn't a hint of shock in his expression as he attempted to get out of bed.  He stood, and I rushed over and grabbed his arm.

"Woah, take it easy. Like I said, you really almost died last night. I don't think it's smart to be standing, actually."

He shrugged me off, "I'm fine."

I huffed, "No, actually, you aren't fine. Do you have any idea how terrified I was last night? Because of your selfish ass," I poked his chest with my index finger, "I didn't call an ambulance. If you'd died in my bed, you know that'd be not only the end for me, but your family would come after my family. There would be a public execution."

He held his hand up, to push me away, "Stop being dramatic, I said I'm fine."

"You didn't look fine last night." I gritted, imagining a scenario where I punched him in the face.

God, I want to punch him in the face.

He leaned his body against the wall, "This stays between me and you, got it?" When I didn't say anything, he continued, "Tell anyone, and I'll kill you."

I scoffed, "Yeah, a thank you would be nice."

The look on his face was genuine confusion, "Why would I thank you?" I opened my mouth, ready to unleash hell on him, but he waved me off, "Whatever, I'm leaving."

Punching him would be such an easy thing to do right now.

He walked slowly to the door. I could tell he was still in pain, and he must have the worst headache of his life right now.


He opened the door to my dorm, and stepped out, not even bothering to say goodbye, he left.

It wasn't as if I was expecting him to get on his knees and sing to me his gratitude, and still I was let down.

Ezra Scott is a rich asshole.

He probably expected someone to help him.

I shook my head, as each thought of him surfaced in my mind, making me hate him more and more.

Ezra suddenly returned to my dorm before I could even process what was happening, he grabbed my shoulders, forcing my body against his body. His lips crashed onto mine in a matter of a second. I couldn't think or breathe or even remember why I was angry.

His skin was warm, and he still smelt faintly like the rain from last night and I hadn't realized I was pulling him closer to me for the longest moment. My heart was pounding for some reason and I needed to breathe but I didn't want to.

And then I remembered who I was kissing, and I forced myself to pull away.

I really didn't want to pull away.

We both gasped for air and for some reason I couldn't meet his eyes as I stared intently on the carpet below me. I don't know why every time he kissed me I felt like I had done something wrong, not because I kissed him, but because I seem to love it even more each time.

He staggered back, and cleared his throat, "Don't forget." He said, though his voice didn't match the force of his words, "Nobody knows about this."

I nodded once, still a bit dazed, and watched him leave.

I was late to class. I had been so side tracked on Ezra, that I had completely forgotten that it's a school day, and that I had classes to attend.

I dug through a pile of dirty clothes and pulled out the few pieces that didn't look wrinkled and worn and tugged them on while brushing my hair. My eyes kept darting back to my bed where Ezra had slept and every time I looked, my heart felt like it stopped for a few seconds.

I shook my head, cursing at myself to forget about him and focus on my responsibilities.

I ran out of my dorm, and down the path to the academics building. I was seven minutes late for class and I still had to get my books from my locker.

Please, God, don't let the doors be locked.

I ran to my locker and punched the numbers into the lock in record timing.

Pulling my books out, I didn't even bother locking it back as I ran down the hall, my destination in sight.

And the door was locked.

I swallowed, and attempted to turn the handle, but it wouldn't budge.

I cursed out loud, and pounded on the door, hoping Mr. Bruno wouldn't take pity on me and just let me in, just this once.

I waited, and waited, and I knew that he wouldn't.

"Damn it!" I hissed, leaning against the door in an attempt to catch my breath. I had skipped this class twice already, and I didn't want this to go on my record.

Suddenly the door swung open, which nearly made me fall back, but I managed to steady myself before I became the laughingstock of the school. Though, in all honesty, I already was.

I turned only to be face-to-face with Ezra. My eyes widened, not realizing that he had even showed up to class, let alone made it here before I did.

His face was unreadable, but he didn't look any better than he did this morning.

"Ezra?" I questioned. He looked terribly exhausted.

"Are you going to fucking come in or not?"

"Uh- right, yeah." I quickly gathered my things and stepped into the room. Everyone looked just as surprised as I did, seeing as Ezra Scott does not do nice things for no reason.

Even Mr. Bruno's eyes were wide as he watched Ezra return to his desk. Maybe nobody else saw it, but I saw just how in pain he was when he sat down, his eyes closed like the lights in the classroom were too bright, I could see his hands still shake as his body was trying to fight off the overdose.

He should be in bed.

Maybe that was it, that was why he unlocked the door for me, seeing as he was the only one who could get away with it doing something like that. Maybe, just maybe it was his way of showing his gratitude for last night.

So, when class ended, I didn't care who was watching. I stepped up behind him and tapped his shoulder. When he looked down at me, I gave him a small smile, "Thank you for unlocking the door earlier."

I received no witty comeback, no sarcasm, no name calling, he only nodded once, and walked away.  

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