The Cast

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^^^^Violet Jones^^^^

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^^^^Violet Jones^^^^

A hard-core partier, thrill seeker, reckless teenager, sorta poor, beautiful, her parents love their drugs more than their daughter a junior in high school, rebel, grunge style, has very high walls, is not a virgin, a heartbreaker,  not a slut either, and is apathetic. Everyone wants to have their way with her, but she doesn't let anyone.

 Everyone wants to have their way with her, but she doesn't let anyone

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^^^^Adam Charming^^^^

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^^^^Adam Charming^^^^

Boy did his name match his face. He was a partier, a reckless senior in high school, a player, a fuckboy, a part time auto mechanic, is very poor, is a   man-hoe, lives across the street from Violet, and now that his mom is dead, his father beats him.

^^^^Sunny McAfee^^^^

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^^^^Sunny McAfee^^^^

She is bubbly, a virgin, normally nice, can be very mean/ rude, financially stable, has a boyfriend, smart, funny, clumsy,  adorable, doesn't party, and family is fine.

She is bubbly, a virgin, normally nice, can be very mean/ rude, financially stable, has a boyfriend, smart, funny, clumsy,  adorable, doesn't party, and family is fine

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^^^^ Crystal Harper ^^^^

Partier, slut, not virgin, is Violets BFF, reckless, very flirty, vey emotional, depressed, parents are newly divorced and going through a very hard time, a heartbreaker, has a boyfriend, kind, and independent.

^^^^ Lucky McAfee^^^^

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^^^^ Lucky McAfee^^^^

Adams best friend, Crystals bf, mamas boy, sweet, happy all the time, not a virgin, low-key partier, financially stable, respectful, and kinda dumb.

^^^^James Charming^^^^

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^^^^James Charming^^^^

The same as his brother, Adam, other than the following. Is dating Sunny, but everyone knows he doesn't deserve her, the way he treats her. Is very disrespectful, an alcoholic,  a cheater, manipulator, not a virgin, pressures Sunny for sex, is SO nice and sweet and the perfect bf for Sunny when sober tho. They love eachother.

Since they're all really part of the same friend group, you'd think Adam and Violet would like eachother. But both of them distance themselves, because they both know they're bad for eachother. They know nothing about eachother, and although they sit at the same lunch table, they're strangers.

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