Take That As You Will (Seventeen)

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The sound of her cell phone ringing brought Piper out of a deep sleep. Desiree gently snoring atop her, she carefully rolled over until the other woman's back connected with the strawberry juice and whipped cream stained fitted sheet. Slipping from the bed, she hurried into the front of the cabin, the cool air hitting her naked body. Reaching the computer desk, she found the phone and answered it sleepily.


"Yeah. Who else would it be?" She rubbed the sleep from her eyes while tamping down a yawn.

"This is Frank."

"I know that. What do you want, Frank?" she asked in an annoyed tone of voice. "I have nothing to say to you, and if this is about trying to get me to come back, it's not gonna work. Just save your breath."

"No. That's not what I want. You need to switch on your television to channel two."

"What for?" she asked while a pair of arms encircled her naked waist and soft, warm lips touched the side of her neck. With her free hand, Piper rubbed one of the arms around her.

"Just do it. Now."

The phone then went dead in Piper's ear. She pushed the end button, frowning toward the electronic device.

"Was that your lawyer?"

"Yep." Piper walked out of Desiree's arms and turned to grab her hand, linking their fingers as she tossed her cell back on the desk. She began walking toward the couch. "Let's watch some t.v." Piper sat down on the couch buck naked, tugging Desiree onto her lap.

Her expression a bit peculiar, Desiree glanced over her shoulder toward the woman. "Piper, I know it's just you and I here, but I feel a little self-conscious sitting here with no clothes on. Plus, I don't think Taj would appreciate us occupying his couch in this manner."

Piper laughed while removing her lover from her lap and walked into her bedroom. She emerged a couple minutes later wearing a pair of blue jeans and the black tank top she had on the first night. She handed Desiree her nightshirt and a pair of panties.

The young woman took the items, a smirk springing to her lips. "You get to wear day clothes and I get to wear this skimpy gown?"

Piper nuzzled her neck, causing Desiree to giggle. "You don't have to, but I think you look pretty damn hot in it," she whispered.

Desiree giggled again. "Well in that case I guess I will." She put the nightshirt and panties on and sat cross-legged on the couch. Piper took a seat next to her after retrieving the remote control. She clicked on the television and turned to channel two to find that the news was on. She figured that was what Frank had wanted her to tune in on. Turning up the volume, they began to listen.

"And now we'll go to Chad Adams live in Pasadena with the latest update on the Piper Redding Mystery."

Piper saw Desiree glance over at her wearing a worried expression. She took one of her hands in her own, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Returning that squeeze, Desiree looked back (although with a bit of hesitance) toward the television screen where a reporter stood outside what appeared to be a hospital.

"Hello. I'm Chad Adams live from Pasadena with some sad news. Another juror from the murder trial of Piper Redding has been killed. Thirty-eight year old Michael Lowell was killed in his own home yesterday by a female who police suspect may have been none other than the fugitive Piper Redding. Annie Lowell, the victim's wife witnessed the gruesome murder.

"After disabling and murdering the police officer on duty outside of the Lowell household, the woman pretended to be another officer sent as a replacement, which was how Mrs. Lowell granted her access into their home. Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Lowell was drugged, and when she awakened, she, her husband, and the woman were in the kitchen.

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