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Peter had just managed to get some free time and he was at the Watchtower looking over a few systems that needed upgrading and since Batman was a bit busy at the moment, he thought he might as well do it since he was almost just as familiar with them as he was. He had his head inside a consol replacing a faulty chip that had burned out. "How goes things?" Peter was surprised by the voice and banged his head from being startled.

"OW! Damn it." He pulled out and rubbed his head seeing J'onn there.

"My apologies."

Peter just shrugged. "Not your fault. Well I just finished up here and this should be operation once I close up." He told him, it had been fairly simple but it was nice to work with his hands again.

"I meant your life." The Martian said to him in his normal almost mono-tone voice. "You seemed down a few days ago."

Peter just shrugged. "Yeah well...some days are better then others...but I'm getting better I know that and that little party of Flash's was exactly what I need and thanks again for all that big guy."

The green skinned Martian smiled a little and nodded. "What of your new job? Is that going well?"

"Oh yeah, I've met a few of the other people that work there and they seem like nice people and the new JJ sure keeps me busy." Peter said humorously.

"I've been meaning to ask...was you former employer really as bad as I've heard?"

"Well...not at first but people can change in three years." Peter said remembering it all. "I mean I got the job there by just fixing up their web sight and got a chance to sell my photos there and make money too...but...things happen." J'onn nodded him to go on. "Well there was the Scorpion thing, that's where he founded a project to take out Spider-Man and created a super villain. SHIELD didn't like that one bit, and he was nearly thrown in prison but I talked to Fury and he was let go. Then there were the few times I spoke out against his slander of Spider-Man and at one point I managed to sell my photos to another paper for a little better press, since I was sick of all the negative things that the Bugle was putting out."

"He didn't like that, and I told him that I didn't like how he kept twisting around my photos...he fired me for that. It took two weeks for me to get my job back there but after that things were strained...there were a few other instances but I won't go into it." Spider-Man sat down in a chair. "Looking back on it, I'm kind of sorry all that happened...but there's nothing to do about that now."

"Some times we cannot control what happens in our lives and sometimes we have to take a stand on what we believe." J'onn told him. "It can cost us...but that thing you should ask yourself was, was it worth it?"

"I think so...yeah." Peter said thinking about it. " up for a snack break? I think I saw some Oreo cookies somewhere." J'onn smiled broadly and gestured him to lead the way, right after Peter quickly ran back and closed up the panel before he forgot about it completely.

In another part of the Watchtower Diana was in the observation deck looking out at Earth. No matter how many times she saw it she loved to watch it from here. Even the first time she was in space she had spent an hour watching the planet from a height greater then that of Mt. Olympus. It was a sight she would never have seen if she had stayed on her island, and many things too by coming to the outside world. This was one of the things she took solace in knowing she was banished from her homeland. At least in this way she could still 'see' home...just not close enough to make anything out.

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