Chapter 6

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I looked up at elijah and smiled my anger now completely gone.

I looked around at all the stunned faces and knew I'd have to explain to them everyone was here but Jeremy and I was glad because I didn't want to him to know that I'm a Moster. A person who has to drink blood to stay alive and a person who is 500 years old but I was related to them

"You may all want to sit down for what I am about to tell you all"
They all sat down. Klaus, kol and Rebekah sat cross legged on the floor while the Elena sat on the single Chair with the salvatore brothers stood either side of her.

Elijah sat beside me still holding my hand
"You don't have to rose"
"yes I do lijah, I've protected her and Jeremy since they were babies she deserves to know who I am and what I am"

"What exactly are you love" Klaus asked
"I'm a hybrid the first one ever created"
"That is impossible your not a wolf"
I chuckled
"I never said I was a wolf. I'm part witch, part vampire"
Elena looked shocked
"How old are you" she asked
"A little over five hundred years old"
Everyone in the room gasped
"Why pretend to be my sister"
I looked down
"When your parents found out about vampires they knew they had to protect you, though you weren't biologically there child they'd always protect you from whatever life threw at you. They knew that one day you'd be surrounded by darkness, the darkness of this world and they wanted someone that would protect you no matter the cost and they knew I'd pay that price and I did" I muttered the last little bit but Elena and elijah heard me
"What do you mean you did" Elena said
"I did send money to aunt jenna every month but I wasn't quite alive"
"Rose what are you saying" Klaus asked
"The night that your parents died Elena I got a call saying that you were the only survivor so I rushed down and tapped into magic that I hadn't used in a long time, I tried to heal your parents but they had been dead too long and I had used too much magic. I raced from this town and to new Orleans where a friend of mine promised that you and Jeremy would be taken care of until I finally woke up"
"Woke up" kol asked
"Indeed, I used too much magic so my magic put my body into a deep slumber until I heald and my magic was restored and when I woke I came straight home"
Elena came over and hugged me but that was interrupted
"If you are 500 years old who are you" Damon said rather rudely
"I am a Gilbert just a very old one. I was born in the 1500 hundreds. Then my name was Roseia Gilbert I was born a witch I had so much power and your mother did not like it" i said towards klaus
"You knew our mother" Rebekah
"Your mother made me like this. She wanted a witch that would obey her but she fed me blood from one of you I'm not sure which but when I refused to help her she killed me. But I woke on up in transition, i didn't want to live but your mother forced the blood into my system and I became a vampire, but she had done a spell that was supposed to kill me as soon as I turned it didn't it gave me my powers from being a witch and I took her down. I have spent my life protecting those who needed it."
"Like me and Jer"
I nodded and was about to say something but Esther woke up
"Oh story time do they know who you are yet"
"Yes they do"
I said clicking my fingers and she disappeared
"Where is she" klaus asked
"Back at the mansion" I smiled
"So what your saying is that for her whole life she's had a guardian angel who was you" Kol asked
"My Kol is that your indirect way of saying I look like an angel"
All the mikaelsons laughed
"But yes, since she was born i protected her and jer."

That was the end of our little story time they knew everything about me and who I was and what I was and the nervous look on the salvatores faces just increased majorly.
"How did you find out about all the things I never told you" Elena asked
"I compeled matt and Caroline"
"But matt takes vervain and Caroline is a vampire" klaus said
"Yes but with me being a vampire I can compel anyone no matter the does of vervain or what they are"
I knew they didn't believe me so I turned to Elena
"That necklace it is filled with vervain and you eat vervain yes" I asked
She nodded
"Stefan compel Elena to stand up and walked around the couch"
So he did and It didn't work because he wasn't like me but then I did and she obeyed and now they believed me
"This is why Elijah is indebted to you"
Klaus asked
"Yes, Elena told me what your mother was planning and I couldn't let that happen. When I arrived at the mansion most of your were already near death but elijah and kol were awake but kol had no idea what was happening. I heald you all but it drain drained most of my power that is why I fainted not because someone hit me but because of saved you all"
"Why we are monster's" Rebekah said
"No your not your mother is and i saved you because your mother shouldn't be allowed to get away with what she did to any of us she wants to rid the world of these so called monsters that she created and I will not let her do that especially not now"

They now knew absolutely everything and all promised not to tell Jeremy and I was glad he deserved to be kept out of this.

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