Part 2 - Chapter 42 - A Bloodless Battle

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Third Peron's POV

Thanks to @Avaricev for making this :-)

"Are you sure about this?" The man asked, Luke shifting back his hand running through his hair

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"Are you sure about this?" The man asked, Luke shifting back his hand running through his hair.

"I have no other choice. If it means keeping my kids and the people I love safe and virus free, then it's what I have to do." Luke replied.

"You do realize, you can die from this, right?"

"I'm aware and I no longer care. I do have faith that I will come through with a victory, even if it means being stripped of my royal status." Luke replied again.

"Battling the Goddess, is a death wish, but it's your death wish."

"I'm ready."

As those words escaped Luke's mouth, the Dark Lord snapped his fingers, causing the sky to turn dark as night, the moon on display bluer than a super blue moon. A light beamed down from the moon, sending a huge shock wave to travel throughout the surrounding areas. Luke began to be lifted up, ready to battle the goddess, his true royal mother.

"I love you all." Luke mind-linked to his loved ones.

Meanwhile, the words echoed through the head of Luke's loved ones... all but his greatly beloved, Prince.

"What is he doing?" Baphomet mumbled to himself, as he received the link from Luke. His wolf was on guard and uneasy. Urging to be released for a reason unknown to Baphomet.

"Huh?" Prince asked in curiosity.

"Uh... nothing. Nothing at all." Replied Baphomet, not finding it in his heart to tell Prince what was mentioned via the supernatural link.

"Oh, alright." Hummed Prince. "You know, I'm worried about him. I'm having this gut feeling that something isn't right." He added on to his saying.

"Nah, don't worry. It's Luke we're talking 'bout here. He'll be perfectly..." Baphomet began but paused, only to clear his throat and continue his statement. "... fine. Perfectly fine."

"Are there any hotels around here or somewhere I can put the kids down to rest or something?"

"Uh no but I'm gonna head back to the pack and see what's going on. I won't get the virus... but take them somewhere... um take them back to the hotel with Eryk and his brother..." Baphomet expressed in a hurry, speaking up again just as Prince was about to question him. "... trust me... just do it... and stay there until Luke or someone call your cell... you're right, something's wrong... I can feel it."

"Whatever you say. I'll drive back there." Prince responded in a mutter.

"I mean it. Don't stop for anyone, until you get back to the hotel. I know it's a long ride, but do it." Baphomet exclaimed, his wolf even more uneasy than he was before.

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