Parent Trap

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2 days later..

"Come on babe get up, you know we have to get everything ready for tonight."

I groaned loudly, taking the pillow off my head. "Why do we even have to do this?"

"Because we haven't told our them about our engagement and we need to" He laughed.

I sighed. "I don't even like my parents and your parents doesn't even like me!" I said getting out of bed, "This dinner is gonna be so stupid."

He kissed me, "My parents love you Morgan."

"Your mom doesn't, and you know it."

He laughed again, "She's just overprotective over her baby boy."

"Yeah who's 22." I said rolling my eyes.

"Okay shut up." He said. "Now we have to go to the grocery store and did you still wanna get that rug from iKea?"

"Sure." I said walking into the bathroom, "We need more candles to freshen up the place too."

"Okay I'll make a list." He said walking into the living room.

I turned on the water in the sink and put my hair into a high bun, I was not in the mood for this big dinner with Jarron's parents and mine. They all are just so boujie and rude, well except Jarron's dad. He's the only normal one I like and who's actually respectful.

I brushed my teeth and started my skin routine, after that I put on my Puma slides and a cardigan with my sunglasses. "Let's go." I said.

He put on a shirt and some shoes then grabbed his keys, "I'm driving."


After picking up a few things at iKea and going grocery shopping, we were finally back at home. Jarron started dinner while I cleaned up and placed the new items we had just bought in spots. We played gospel on the speaker and sang the songs together, before we knew it it was six o'clock in the afternoon.

"We got start getting ready." He said, "Dinner starts at 7."

I nodded. "You go first in the shower cause I'm gonna take the longest." I laughed.

"Or we can just get in together." He suggested, "You know, save water." He joked.

We got in the shower together and ended up making love in the midst of it, which made our shower even longer. But after a hour we both got out and started to get ready.

"Damn now I'm tired." He sighed.

I laughed lightly then picked out a outfit, after that I did my hair and makeup and got dressed. Jarron stayed in our walk in closet for about twenty minutes before walking out in a suit.

I looked at him in confusion, "Why are you so dressed up?" I asked.

"It's our parents Morg." He said combing through his soft, tight curls.

"Exactly." I said applying more mascara to my bottom lash. "So why are you dressed up?"

"Just tryna dress to impress."


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