Party For The Newest Ackles Memeber

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Regular POV

"Good morning to my favorite girl." You coo walking into JJ's nursery.  JJ smiles and and shakes her feet as her right fist is in her mouth. Sliding one hand behind her neck and the other under her bum, you pick JJ up and cradle her in your arms. "Ha ha, I woke before Daddy today so I get two be the first to say good morning." You touch her little nose and she smiles. You change her, feed her, and bring her into the bedroom to lay with Jensen before getting ready for the little party. Jensen has been getting up early ever since she got home so he could be the first to say good morning to her and have what he calls his "Daddy-Daughter time" before momma wakes up.

You slide JJ in between you and Jensen with his face facing your direction. JJ looks at Jensen and reaches up towards his face, grabbing his nose. She grabs the tip of his nose then proceeds to stick her tiny fingers up Jensen's nose. "What the-Good morning baby, didn't know we were sticking fingers in peoples noses today." Jensen opens his eyes and he immediately gives JJ a kiss on her head. "What am I? Chopped liver right here?" You say, wanting a kiss from your husband.

"Ew chopped liver JJ. Mommy's not chopped liver!" Jensen says in a higher voice towards JJ. "Well, If I'm not chopped liver than what am I, huh?" You lean onto your elbow and stroke JJ's belly softly. "You are my wife and the mother of my beautiful daughter." Jensen pulls your chin closer to his face and gives you a sweet kiss that turns pretty heated fast. "Woah, babe," You pull apart from Jensen, leaning foreheads against each other. "We can't be doing this in front of her." You say and the both of you look down at the smiley baby.

"She won't remember anything, or well she better not. No boys till you're 30!" Jensen fake scolds at JJ and her smile falters and her eyes begin to gloss over. "Look what you did," You whack Jensen's shoulder and grab JJ into your arms. "It's okay. You can have a boy whenever you want." You coo into her ear as you get off the bed. Jensen slides out of the sheet and catches you before you leave. "I'm sorry baby. You can have boys, but they go through me first. I love you." Jensen kisses her cheek and sneaks in a small raspberry, causing JJ to throw a fit of giggles. "Well now that we both got you up, I would love some bacon and eggs for breakfast so I can start working on the decorations." You say as Jensen pulls on a pair of sweat pants along with a white cotton t-shirt. "Well, can't have my girl waiting. I'll make you some breakfast baby girl only if I get to hold my daughter while we go downstairs." Rolling your eyes, Jensen smiles as you hand JJ off to him. You let Jensen walk ahead of you and you look over his shoulder to see JJ's eyes never leave Jensen's face.

Entering the kitchen, Jensen sets JJ in her rocker and you sit at the island while Jensen gets started on breakfast. "She never took her eyes off of you on the way down here. Such a daddy's girl." You laugh and so does Jensen. "I knew it! I mean, she had me wrapped around her tiny fingers the moment I saw her so..." Jensen shrugged and continued to work. "I'm going to go tie the balloons outside on the mail box then a few in the back yard." You kiss Jensen's cheek then bend down to give JJ one too.

Tying two balloons onto the mail box, a runner goes by but stops seeing the balloons. "Aw, Congratulations on your baby. What's her name?" The women smiles at you then looks at the balloons again. "Justice Jay." You smile proudly. "Beautiful! Congratulations again!" The runner slides in her ear buds after you thank her.

Closing the front door behind you, the smell of bacon and eggs fills your nose. "Something smells good in here. Breakfast ready?" You ask wrapping your arms around Jensen's torso and leaning your head on his back. "Yep. Just in time." You move to sit at the table and move JJ so she is right beside you. Jensen sets two plate down on the tables and leaves to grab two glasses of orange juice. Once he returns, he dives right in and you just look at JJ then back to him. Jensen, not noticing at first, had no problem continuing to stuff his face until he looked up to take a drink. "Why are you staring at me? Got somethin on my face?" Jensen wipes his mouth and you smile, shaking your head slightly looking down. "Oh, I know what it is...It's because I'm so good looking that you can't even eat without not checking me out." Jensen winks and you slap his shoulder.

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