Sneak Peak for this Sunday

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Within the Nightingale Forest, the sounds of nightlife awoke and created an ambience that lulled those within into a sense of peace. This was one of the dangers of this forest due in part because of the nasty things that came out at night. Not only did travelers need to be wary of beasts attacking their camps but even the forest had a mind of its own.

Some have said that on nights that Homnidae glowed brightest, it's amethyst rays will break through the trees' overhang and induce a type of illusion. Purple fog will sneak across the forest floor and lead wayward travelers further in; until they lose all sense of direction.

Sitting beneath those large trees was a small group of travelers, travel worn, seeking warmth from an open fire. Beneath the branches and large leaves, the forest was cut off from any warmth the sun could've given during the day.

To be continued. . . 

A/N: How do you guys like the 3rd Person? I want to know how you feel about the difference between 1st and 3rd. With 3rd, it gives me more room to describe the surroundings and give the entire 'world' more depth. So, I was wondering how you guys felt about it thus far.  

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