Observing Your Features 047

388 16 51

Vote and Comment!! As always I haven't edited this but enjoy~

(Y/N) Pov:

"Wait...What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh beautiful, did you not realize what I was trying to say?" he asked.

"You know,I don't know everything." I said.

"ABC and numbers are one of the best things I'm good at~" he whispered in my ear.

"Method one ABC and numbers, Method number one Keyboard arrangements, and..."

"What's the third one?" I asked.

"What's the difference between me and you?" he asked.

"Um...there's a lot of difference, I mean your all what a girl wants." I said.

"What's something that is a common difference me and you have?" he asked.

"Me and you, have different genders." I said.

"That's a difference of opposite my tea princess~" he said.

"Stop, using the word tea." I said.

"I'll stop with the tea lines.""But did you know you're my cup of tea~" he laughed. Tap Tap Tap...Tap..Tap..Tap..

"Kun Kun, do you hear what I'm hearing?" I asked. Tap Tap Tap Tap the sounds went.

"Um...What do you mean?" he asked.

"I guess, I'm hearing things." I said, but I heard it again.

Tap...Tap...Tap... it was the sound of footsteps. I might just be hearing things. I looked behind Kun Kun. I saw a sewer lid being slowly lifted up. "Kun Kun, I think we should go."

"Why?" he asked. I just grabbed his hand and ran out into the crowds of people. We ran through the crowd.

"Why are we in a hurry?"

"I have a bad feeling about this place." I said.


I might just be hearing things....


I ran quickier. Then quickier and quickier.

The next second I turn around to a lemonade stand, I saw someone... How is she out? Long black hair and brown eyes along with her devilish smile on her face. When I see that smile, it means trouble. She slowly took something out of her pocket. A gun appeared. "Kun Kun.." I mumbled. I looked around to see Kun Kun nowhere. "Kun Kun.." I shouted. "Where are you?!" "Don't leave me here...." I looked back at the lemonade stand. The girl that was so familiar pointed the gun at my direction. The next second, I heard the gun being triggered. Point, Aim, and shoot.

Anonymous 1 Pov:

Point, Aim, and Shoot. Mission completed. That dart won't do much other than make her fall asleep. Now my Kun Kun will be forever mine. Li Shao Su you got what you wanted from now. Today's the day I'll claim, what's mine.

Too bad (Y/N) (Y/L/N), does look like a very pretty girl, but she was in the way of what's mine. Kun Kun's amazing hair and beautiful angel eyes. Smooth skin~ I'm back~ Just for you Kun Kun~ Now it's time to drag (Y/N) to someone and hand her over to Li Shao Su. Was it even possible for that bi*** to escape out of top security? Well, at least I have what I want now~

Cai XuKun Pov:

I opened my eyes. Where's (Your Nickname)? Where am I? I looked around to just see myself in a dark room, my arms were chained up... Who the hell decided to chain me up... My vision is so blurry.

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