2. Present

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I look over at Wheein as she is flirty with Woobin and he seems entertained by her. I knew coming here was going to be a bad idea as Wheein only wanted to come here and see Woobin.

I walk away from the wall as I think it is time for me to head home and get some rest. I take my phone out and send a text to Wheein, letting her know that I left the club. I put my phone in my bag and walk out of the club as the night is chilly. I walk over to the bus stop and rub my hands together. I blow into my hands and try to warm myself up.

I stand up as the bus is coming near and standing in a line. Taking my wallet out of my bag and ready to scan my card.

I get on the bus and scan my card; I head to the back of the bus to take a seat. I move over as a man takes place next to me and he put on his earphones.

Thank you, as I don't want to talk...

I look out of the window as every building has neon lights to attract tourists or customers. I look down at my phone as I text my brother, I wonder if he remembers what today is...

I lock my phone and stiffen my body as the person's head falls onto my shoulder. I reach over to wake them up, but I stop when they move closer to my neck.

What do I do??

Should I wake him up or push him off me??

My phone vibrates in my hand and looks at the screen as it is a message from my brother. I open the message and read the text.

He doesn't remember...

I put my phone in my bag and stand up quickly. The guy knocks his head on the seat next to him and causes him to wake up.

I look away as I try my hardest not to laugh and pretend I didn't see anything. "Aish!!" Says the guy as he rubs the side of his head.

I look back at him, but he is looking out the window. I push the button as my stop is coming up and move closer to the exit door.

He gets up from the seat and stands beside me. "Happy Birthday!" Whispers the guy as he stares out the window.

I look up at him, and the bus comes to a stop. He pulls me into his arms, and the driver starts apologizing to us. He lets me go and clears his throat as he gets off the bus. I follow behind him off the bus as I try to avoid him and head home.

I slowly walk making my way to the house as it is almost past midnight. I walked up the steps and took my keys from my bag.

"It's good to see you again!" Said Kiyong as he steps in front of me.

"I don't have your money." I say to him.

"I came to wish you a happy birthday. I didn't forget.." Kiyong reaches to touch my face, I take a step back to avoid his gesture.

Kiyong smacks the side of my head as he grabs my face and pulls me closer to him. He tightens his grip on my face and leaves a kiss on my forehead.

"Another one," Said Kiyong as he pushes me, making me lose my balance.

He steps over me and walks down the steps. I slowly stand up and grab my keys from the ground. I open my door and turn the lights on as I see the present box on the table.

I walk to my room and change my clothes as I don't want to open the present. Kiyong always gives me a gift for my birthday as his way to say sorry for what Kiyong and his father did to me. It's embedded in me of that night and it still hurts me. They say as time passes you can forget it but it's not true.

I always told myself that I could keep going on with my life as nothing happen but I feel like everyone can see it when they look at me.


Chanyeol or Baekhyun??


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