Part 1

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He didn't think it could happen to him.

He had honored his position in the army over anything else, and couldn't help but feel pride whenever someone addressed him with his titles. He had plenty of medals to weigh down his shoulders for years to come, and he always displayed them proudly on his desk. He could never ask for a more perfect role in the well-oiled machine that was the Red Army.

Until he came along.

Paul was obnoxious, loud, and short in both stature and in temper - nearly the exact opposite of Patryck. He was an engineer, Pat was a watchdog, their jobs were never supposed to have them meet. Well, they had met before their specific jobs were decided, but that never meant that they were suposed to stay together.

They had met as privates, when Patryck was separated from the group he had grown to love, all because some other privates in a completely different troupe decided to slaughter Sargent Manae during their daily drills. It was horrific, and when the current Red Leader decided to reshuffle the troupes in hopes of separating the murderers, Patryck knew he couldn't trust anyone. He was moved to a completely new group, lost all his friends - Patryck was afraid, of course, and this man could tell, and took him in in his own way. Soon, he found himself a best friend, and was more than happy when Paul offered to introduce him to his friends. From then on, success was set in stone for Patryck.

Until now.

He always considered himself a consistent person, and until that moment, he thought he had everything in his life perfect.

He had been born the opposite gender, and knew from the moment he could think that something was wrong. Thankfully, growing up was a kind process to him, and he never grew in the way the girls his age did. Growing taller than the other boys, he never got any sign of breast tissue, and he was actually happy with the body he had. That being said, he decided to take birth control to stop the only thing that made him feel less human, less of a man.

Forgetting a few pills didn't seem to hurt him at first. He had been in, and still was in, an incredibly intimate relationship with Paul, and they had found themselves getting a bit too...comfortable with each other. Their nights together were careful and loving, always full of gentle kisses wherever they could put them. They would go unprotected - the base had no such commodities, and Patryck was still on his medication.

Patryck didn't realize the problem with forgetting pills until he was already six months pregnant.

His stomach had hardly grown, and he never considered it a possibility - "I'm too small," he would say to himself, or, "I'm just gaining weight, it happens to the best of us."

But when he felt the first twenty minutes of kicking, he knew.

He never told Paul, he never told Tord, he knew he couldn't. The rules in the army were set in stone, and pregnancies were not taken lightly. He had medals to keep on his shoulders, and if he confessed to this, Tord would strip him of all his honor. If he told anyone, he'd be forced to confirm it with a medic and have his records changed, outing himself to the entire base. Nobody except Paul knew he was trans, and he wanted to keep it that way.

But even then, he was scared to tell Paul. He trusted him, of course he did, but part of him hoped that Paul would piece it together on his own. Then again, Paul was one of the dumbest people Pat knew, and thought Patryck was just gaining weight.

He continued to think that until Patryck was practically overdue, his stomach tiny compared to another person at nine months, looking just shy of 6 months. His size was a definite factor in how he kept anyone from guessing.

Patryck's body had been far too weak to carry something as heavy as a baby, and had been aching for months. Sure, his job in the base was being a watchdog outside, but that meant standing for hours on end in the beating sun without breaks, eyes glued to binoculars. His shift was a full nine hours, all of which he spent standing. He would spend his nights lying awake in his cot with throbbing ankles and sore feet, knowing he would feel even worse tomorrow.

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