Chapter 3 Heart ache

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I get up off the toilet and splash water on my face but they know that I was crying so I just let the tears show. I take my hair out of a ponytail and part it then run my hand through it. Then I walk out into the living room.

At the sound of Eric s voice the baby flutters or maybe its gas but I  keep repeating its okay we're okay sweety.  When I walk in Tobias turns to look at me. I give a weak smile to show that I'm okay. Then I sit back in the corner.

"Look Eric I want to tell people I'm pregnant. But I can't because its against dauntless law to be with someone else s child then who your in a relationship with. ( made that up)

So what are we gonna do", I ask because this is important to me to the baby.

"Um well I guess you guys will have to have a public relationship if Eric doesn't want to lose his position as a leader and you don't want to lose the baby", says Tobias a hand rubbing the back of his neck. I can tell he hates the idea.

"I don't know I don't want people to know that I'm going to be a dad", whines Eric

"I don't give a shit suck it up you should have thought about that before you got me pregnant. Now you have to be a man get over it", I say losing my temper. Who does he think he is getting a girl knocked up then just being like sorry about that but deal with it? No that's unfair to me and the baby.

"Alright chill so we just hold hands and eat together and go out like we're dating but we're not right", ask Eric.

"Yeah and Tris stays at your house to make it more real", says Tobias through gritted teeth .

" Alright sound alright so I'll stay here till the assemble at 12 with Eric and well I guess we will go down together. Then we do a fake break up and I hang with Eric", I say

"Yeah sounds good bye babe", then he leans down and kiss me then my belly. Then he leaves so now its just me and Eric.

"Eric I go in three weeks to find out the sex of the baby. Do you like um want to come with me so it looks more like we're together", I ask biting my lip.

" Yeah I guess whatever if I have to", he says rolling his eyes "Let me show you your room", then he just walks down the hall till we get to a little door in the back next to his room. I open the door to see a round semicircle bed pushed to the wall with a black blanket and purple pillows. The walls are purple with the words have no fear written on the ceiling.

"Um thanks", I say quietly.

"Yeah whatever", Then he turns away slamming the door. I  strip down and go to take a shower. I let the water run over me. Thinking about being a mom at 18 and how the father is 20 and could care less about me. I think about what people will say and think. I think about what Will and Christina will think of me. I rinse my hair then I just look at my belly. I'm only 12 weeks but I'm huge. What if its twins? I can't take care of two babies.

I get out of the shower and go to the closet  all I can find is a v neck black t with white stars and some red jeans with my black vans. I go into the bath room and french braid my hair. Then I hear pounding on the door.

"Hurry up its time to go", shouts Eric. I go and open the door walking out. He has on black pants and a black shirt with a red dauntless symbol on it. He offers his hand and we walk out smiles on our faces. People stare and I hear things like " Cheater", and "But Four is way hotter then Eric", "How did Eric get Tris",.and "What a slut", But we keep smiling till we get to the dining hall and I see Tobias holding the door when he looks at us I know its time for the fake breakup.

"Tris are you cheating on me", ask Tobias fake tears in his eyes.

"No I told you its over I'm with Eric now", I say. He try s to hug me but I smack him in the face I see real hurt in his eyes as he walks away. Everyone in the room stares. Eric turns to me and kisses me on the cheek before turning away to sit with the other leaders. I go and sit down next to Christina who stares at me with an open mouth.

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