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Jack's bed felt extra soft that night. He felt extra secure, and warm under the covers.

He kept checking his phone, looking for the phone number that was put in today, just to make sure this wasn't all some kind of amazing, heavenly dream. Lucky to him it was not a dream. He traced his tattoos and thought of him. He stared at the ceiling and thought of him. He closed his eyes and all he could see was him. His precious smile. His Cherry Blossom Boy.

He had never slept better than how he slept that night.

The artist woke up the next day, refreshed. A Friday. He was thrilled to see what exactly this day would bring. He prayed he would see the boy. His boy.

He left his house far earlier than usual, around the time he normally woke up. Lately he had been sleeping better, though. Because of the Flower Boy.

And today was so good, simply remembering that Alex was reciprocating his feelings even the slightest bit gave him butterflies.

He loved this feeling. He loved love.

He never realized how time flies when you're caught up in your feelings, because before he knew it, he was preparing to close the shop for the day. Rian sat at his computer at the front counter, as Blink 182 played softly in the background. Zack was busy sweeping.

He had spent the whole day telling them about his date with Alex, and how wonderful he was; They were happy for him, too, so everything just felt wonderful.

He decided to text Alex, hoping to see him.

To: Flower Boy

Hey, 'Lex. You busy today? I'd love to see you again.

A few seconds later it showed that he was typing.

From: Flower Boy

I'm not! You should come over after you're done with work, I'll make you some tea.  My address is 13 Tulip Hollow. See you soon! <3

Jack felt butterflies fill his stomach, and he was even more excited to leave. He finished wiping down all of the chairs, and grabbed his things. "You guys can close down without me, right?"

Rian nodded, and waved him goodbye. "Good luck with your boy toy. Use protection!"

Jack couldn't help but laugh, and he bid farewell to his friends.

The man climbed onto his motorcycle, and then began on his way to Alex's house. He'd seen it from the outside multiple times, he'd always wondered what it was like inside. He was more than excited. It was probably quite obvious when he arrived, as motorcycles aren't exactly quiet. He shut off his bike and propped it up, before getting off of it. He figured before going inside he would quietly observe the outside.

There were flower beds at the front of the house, full to the brim of every color imaginable. He imagined Alex planning where each would go, and spending days to plant each perfectly. It made his heart sing.

Jack walked up the small brick steps, before knocking lightly on the front door. He could hear barks, and Alex hushing the dogs, before the door opened, and he was greeted with the prettiest sight.

Alex wore a simple white t-shirt, and on his bottom, a baby blue pleated skirt and white ankle socks. The light of the setting sun perfectly hit the boy's face, and illuminated his wide eyes. His lips were pink, and the sun picked out delicate sparkles on them. He was wearing sparkly lip gloss. God, he didn't know how much of this he would be able to handle. Jack could feel his body heat up at the sight of him.

Chains and Petals; JalexWhere stories live. Discover now