Act Two, Scence Two

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The whole room was quiet for a long time. Not even a cough or a sniffle could be heard as everyone processed her words. After a long time, Margaret stood up and her chair made a loud squeaking noise as it was pushed back quickly before it fell with a thud.

"What did you say?" Margaret shouted. "Married! How could you be married to my son!! He would never marry someone like you!"

"And what do you know about your son?!" Emmy said softly as she looked around bored before a cold mask covers her smiling face. Even though she doesn't know the reason why Margaret's name was crossed out of the ancestry book, she knew enough that Margaret must have done something horrible for the Tomas family to disown her. Emmy could also make assumptions that Seoras doesn't particularly like Margaret, with his cold actions towards Margaret.

But with Margaret, being his birth mother, he didn't outright denounce her or defy her. He ignored her like an annoying fly. And tolerated her actions and schemes. As long as she didn't cross his bottom line, he would welcome her into his home. With Emmy's statement, she verbally slapped Margaret's sore spot. Although she is still Seoras's mother, she was no longer the daughter-in-law of the mighty Tomas family. She was just a divorcee who went back to live with her parents home.

"Just because Seoras is your son, doesn't mean you know what he prefers in a woman!" Emmy said.

"You temptress!" Margaret scolded Emmy. "You seduced my son and want to call it love! Just look at you! What man can hold themselves back! You sl--"

Before Margaret could finish her last word, the wooden chair that had fallen down twisted and straightened. It's vine like movement wrapped itself around Margaret's neck while lifting her up, choking her last words inside her mouth. Her legs flailed back and forth as her hands tries to pry the wood wrapped around her neck. Tears begins to fall as she could feel her breath becoming shorter and shorter.

"An insult against my wife, is an insult against me." Seoras reminded her. "What this Master does or does not do, has nothing to do with you. What this Master likes, and does not like, has nothing to do with you."

"Seoras!" Margaret whispered as she starts to panic.

Seoras lets Margaret go and she falls down with a thump, just like the chair that fell down. Margaret coughs as gasps for air as the three young ladies quickly get up and help Margaret to her feet.

"Apologize, at once, to my wife!" Seoras told Margret coldly.

Margaret looked aggrieved as delicate tears runs down her face. She was a beauty when she was young. A beauty that everyone would love to protect. With tears falling down her face and her quivering lips, it made her looked as if it was Emmy who bullied her. However no one there would stand up for her. Seoras was Lord and master all of Ceco. The enemy of Seoras, is the enemy to everyone. The friend of Seroas, is a friend to everyone. What Seoras says is their command. No one would be her savior.

If Margaret choose to insult Lady Emmy, then that is her choice. She would have to live with the consequences of her decision.

"I am your Mother!" Margaret said as she stood up with the help of the three ladies, refusing to apologize.

Without another word, four wooden vines wrapped themselves around the four ladies. Even though the three young ladies were innocent. They were punished by association. The wooden vines wrapped itself around the wrists and ankles, lifting them up into the air. Their screams filled the hall as everyone watched without an expression on their face.

Seoras use of powers reminded everyone of his Mage powers. Why he was named The Peerless Slayer. Even he did not spare his closest kin during the war against Rokae. If someone betrayed him, there were no second chances. No explanations. No excuses. Once trust and loyalty was lost, you no longer held any meaning towards Seoras. It was because of his ruthlessness that he won the war against Rokae.

What make Margaret think that she was different? That he'll let her go after insulting his wife?

"Let them go!" Margaret pleaded. "They did nothing wrong. They are innocent!"

Seoras did not answer her as he drank his wine as if he did not hear her. Emmy heart beated wildly as she was afraid of Seoras's powers. She had first hand experience at his ruthlessness and it scared her. However she didn't let her emotions show on her face. She sat back, against her chair, relaxed as if the situation had nothing to do with her.

It was only when another wooden vine wrapped itself around the three ladies neck did Margaret apologize.

"I'm sorry!" Margaret shouted. "Don't hurt them any more! I said I was sorry!"

"For?" Seoras asked.

"For insulting your wife."

"Why are you apologizing to me? You didn't insult me. You insulted my wife. Apologize to my wife." Seoras said. His words almost made Margaret spit up blood in frustration. First he said an insult against his wife, is an insult against him. Now he saying that he wasn't the one that was insulted! How infuriating!

"I'm sorry, Lady Emmy, for calling you names. Forgive me." Margaret shouted as the wooden vines wrapped themselves around the necks of the young ladies. Their tears fell faster as they screamed louder in fear.

"And if I don't?" Emmy asked as she smiled wickedly at Margaret. "What would happen to you and your little match making perspective brides?"

"Please, spare us!" Margaret begged.

"Spare you?" Emmy asked. "Why should I? Do I know you? Do I owe you? Whatever happens to you, matters not to me. Besides, you brought women here to matchmake with my husband. I'll not forgive that."

Emmy's words angered Margaret so much that blood did spit out of her mouth. It dripped down her mouth and on to her dress as she could only open her mouth in awe. How did her black belly son marry a black belly woman for a wife?


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