Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to Samuel Keith Gedeborg

Kami could see the glow through the thin material of her t-shirt. The scarab's abdomen emanated an eerie green light, illuminating its thorax and head. She pulled it out and touched it. She felt it again, that odd pulsing energy sending tingles up her arm. It was stronger than the first pulse she'd felt—much stronger. 

She tried to pull her hand away, but it was difficult, like she was fighting a magnetic current holding her fast. Feeling a little panicky, she tried again. The necklace wouldn't let go. Her breath came out in short, ragged bursts.

Relax, she told herself, forcing herself to take a deep breath. Then an idea came to her.

She willed her hand to go limp, and with that the current seemed to weaken enough that she was able to slip her hand off.

Kami looked down at her hand where it still tingled. There was no denying it now. She had definitely felt the surge before. There was something very strange about this necklace.

It continued to emit the light, casting an unnerving glow throughout the structure.

No one spoke for several long moments, each trying to make sense of what they just witnessed. 

"Why is your necklace glowing?" Yasmin finally asked, stepping closer and reaching out.

"Don't!" Kami said with more intensity than she'd intended. She modified her voice. "You don't want to touch it."

Yasmin withdrew her hand.

A gnawing thought returned as she remembered the black flicker. She felt a growing sense of dread. The last time she had seen the flicker, it had ended up in an attack on their plane.

"Did anyone see that?" Kami asked.

"What?" Liam asked.

"The black thing."

They shook their heads. 

"I swear that I saw some sort of thing moving around right before my necklace started glowing."

She saw the flicker again—a  dark shape, bigger, long and lean and slipping around them, like the body of an eel. It slipped in and out of her vision, but this time a chilling cold gripped her. Her skin prickled and she felt an overwhelming urge to run, to escape it. It was as if the blackness was enveloping her. It felt evil, like a twisted blend of fear and hatred. She heard a rumble, and then a high-pitched keening sound.

"I see it," Yasmin said quietly.

"Me too," said Haji.

"I think it's coming for us," Kami said.

"Okay, all together now. Let's get out of here!" Haji said.

They backed up slowly, then turned, and walked rapidly toward the entrance.

Kami touched a trembling hand to Yasmin's back. She seemed to sense her urgency and the whole group moved faster, running now out of the tunnel. As they reached the entrance, Kami and Yasmin tried to leave at the same time and got stuck in the doorway. 

"Hurry," Haji cried. "It's coming."

Yasmin stepped back and Kami stumbled forward. She shielded her eyes against the bright light, and as her eyes adjusted, she stopped short. Yasmin and Haji slammed into her. 

Liam stood about 100 feet away, facing them. Three more of the eel-like shadows surrounded him, twisting and writhing over his head.  


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So I know you're probably dying to read on, but please take a moment to quickly comment if you think Liam is innocent or guilty (helps me to know what readers are thinking right now).

I'm happy to let you know this story is now available for sale in ebook and Paperback on Amazon. Details in my profile :)

The dedication for this chapter goes out to my brother Sam for his support. Thanks Sam!

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