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[Side Mission Unlocked: Save Vladimir Romanov from being assassinated. Rewards: 500 points, a free product from the mall, and a free skill learning. If failed, host will be automatically sent to another punishment world without a system and will be deducted 5000 points for failing 2 consecutive worlds.]

'Save someone's life and you're only giving 500 points?!' Ivan sighed at Zack's higher ups' obvious stinginess when it comes to rewarding points. But he needed to do the mission if he didn't want more punishments. Those people are really strict. If they have these kind of rules, they shouldn't have picked Ivan out of all people. Though he is thankful for the another chance to live. He can barely pass Math exams, what more of this world situations. For now he can only rely on luck and his previously learned medicinal skills.

But he had a different problem to face now.

"Uhm, Mr. Romanov, I don't think I have a need of a bunny costume." Ivan can feel the secondhand embarrassment of Vladimir's actions as the latter held the said clothing to his body.

They were in their last stop for today's shopping, a costume shop. And this big man with him seemed to enjoy looking through the bunny costumes and make him wear them.

He doesn't have any intentions to play as a bunny, thank you very much. He's fine with being human.

The mafia boss looked up when he heard the smaller's words, "I told you to call me Vlad didn't I? And you'll need the costume, the mafia is hosting a costume party for the Joy And Mirth Orphanage this weekend, you're coming with me." he said but Ivan can somehow feel that Vladimir's reason isn't only that.

He can only sigh and accept the costume befoe going to the fitting room. Vladimir on the other hand, has a victory grin on his face as he anticipated on what would his bunny look like in a bunny costume.

He turns his head to look at the wolf costume he picked a while ago. Yep, a wolf definitely fits the mafia leader. Vladimir will make sure that the wolf will mark its prey at that day. In every way that could be done.

'*evil laughs*'

"Uhm Vlad? I think this is too fit?" Vladimir stopped his evil laugh as he saw his bunny come out of the fitting room. Ivan now stood in front of him in a skin hugging white bunny costume. It gave highlight to Ivan's fit slim body and small frame that made him look delectable and cute at the same time.

The male lead quickly took notice of his men behind him that were staring at his bunny and scowled. "That's fine. But fit this instead." he said, quickly giving Ivan a loose gray bunny costume and pushed him to the fitting room. After he did so, he glared at his men and told them to go guard them outside instead. No one else should see his bunny like that.

Ivan came out again and now looked like a squishy bunny everyone just wanted to pet and protect. Vlad nodded and Ivan changed to his normal clothes. The pair went to pay for the costumes.

The host saw that Ivan paid for 3 costumes, 1 wolf and 2 bunnies. "Why two?" He couldn't help but ask.

"They both fit you." 'But you should wear the white one only in our bedroom, only for my eyes to see.' the taller answered shortly, keeping the thoughts to himself.

Ivan just shrugged at him.

They were on their way to go outside when suddenly two people showed up and threw gas bombs. Smoke flooded the shop and all of the shop's staff instantly fainted. Vladimir's men weren't but they couldn't move.

'Paralyzing gas!' Ivan deduced. Thankfully, that skill learning he did in SS included these kind of gases. It made his soul immune to them. His body was quite stiff though, but not too bad.

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