i'm not planning on riding solo

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Lee grinned widely as she saw Percy walk up to her. For a moment she forgot all about their breakup and rushed to hug him. She placed her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her.

Lee wasn't really that short. Percy was just freakishly tall.

"I missed you," he murmured as she embraced him.

"I don't remember much, but I probably missed you too," Lee responded.

Percy smiled, but that quickly disappeared as Lee pulled away.

"Did you ever come visit me?" She asked, nervously playing with her hair. She had a feeling in her gut that what she remembered was true, but that feeling couldn't be trusted. It had mislead her before.

"Everyday he came in here," Pomfrey answered. "Sometimes refused to leave."

Percy shyly nodded in confirmation.

"I'm not sure if I dreamt it or if I really happened, but I think I remember you coming in once."

"What happened?"

"You talked for a long time, no surprise there," Lee laughed. "Saying things about how you still want to be together, then you rambled about when we met."

Percy looked away from her as he listened. All of that was true. That was the day she was petrified.

"Er, yes, I did say something along those lines," Percy rubbed his neck nervously. "How much of that did you hear exactly?"

"Right to when you said goodnight."

Percy felt more nervous with every word she said. He was sure his face was a bright cherry red. She had definitely heard him say 'I love you', which was embarrassing. What if she didn't reciprocate his feelings and preferred to stay apart?

Percy was thrown out of his thoughts when she hugged him again.

"I think I love you too Perce," she whispered into his ear. "And you know I can't resist it when you blush."

She pulled away from his ear and kissed him. He held her tighter. They both missed this. So much.

"Weasley, I really had thought better of you," a cold voice came from behind the couple.

Snape stood, dressed in all black, with a disgusted look on his face.

"Oh, don't be so sour, Severus," Pomfrey said. "Haven't you ever seen young love."

"I'm not much of a romantic, and I'd rather not see such disgusting displays of affection."

"Then don't look, professor," Lee snapped. Something about Snape didn't sit well with her.

"Ten points from Hufflepuff for disrespect," Snape said with a sneer before walking with Pomfrey to discuss Merlin knows what.

Lee laughed as soon as he was out of earshot.

"You really shouldn't laugh at a professor, Lee," Percy reprimanded, a smile also on his face.

"But when it's Snape, it's so easy."


Lee hurriedly threw the last of her things into her trunk.

The year was finally over.

Lockhart was fired, which meant she got to go back to class in the upcoming year.

She also got to take less classes, though they were a bit more stressful. She wasn't looking forwards to another year of Snape.

teenage dirtbag || percy weasley [HIATUS/ABANDONED]Where stories live. Discover now