Story 2.4

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"Sorry...P-please forgive..." Deran looked pitifully at Lan Youzheng, while Dirion kept on beating him. "Forgive you? You forgot Van again!" Dirion glared at the dumb goldfish. "Deran, you knew I had an assignment, moreover you promised that you would protect him in my stead."

"Di, remember he's got a bad memory" Divione tried to appease her brother. "So what?! He forgot Van-" "I can take care of myself." Lan Youzheng chuckled. "You can let him go now."

"Diviii...your brother is so scaryyy" Deran complained while Divione was treating his wounds. Dirion scowled at Deran pitiful behavior. Dirion whispered something as he passed Lan Youzheng, walking away and slamming the door. "Somebody is on his period" Deran giggled.

"This is why he keeps beating you up." Divione dryly noted. "'re worried about me. I knew yo-" "I am only worried that Di will hurt his hands from beating you." Divione tried to look stern but her smile gave her away.

Lan Youzheng looked at them bantering with a smile on his lips. This world was quite nice like this. 'It's definitely much better to be human...a half human then in this case. I wonder if I can get Sys- No I shouldn't rely and expect anything of that useless thing.'

[Host is mean again...]

'And since when do you got the ability to read my mind?!'

[System level is not high enough to read Host's mind]

'Really? Then how are we communicating?'

[Because Host is mind talking! Host activity thinks about communicating with System. Therefore System can understand Host!]

'That's a very crappy and lousy explanation. You think I'm going to believe that?'

[System is ve-]

'Never mind, I don't really care.'

[Host ple-]

'Just be silent, okay? I'm sure such an amazing system like you can do that.'

Lan Youzheng saw that Divione was still helping Deran. He slowly left the room and decided to explore the villa. The overall style was very modern. With the swimming pool extending inside to almost every room and luxurious furniture to accommodate all their needs, the whole house screamed nouveau riche.

Even though the lavish villa might be seen as a bit tacky in the eyes of others. Vance and the other were extremely proud and happy with their home. When the entered the human world they had nothing. Now they were able to live happily and fully integrated in the human world.

Not only merpeople mingled around in the human world, a lot of other supernatural creatures and beings were lurking in the shadows of the city. They have been living amongst the humans for centuries.

Though out the ages, this city slowly became the epicenter. Most creatures were hostile of each other and did not interact much with each other, they preferred staying in their own territory.

However more than often disputes broke out between different clans as all these beings adhered to one simple rule, in this concrete jungle it's the survival of the strongest. Slowly the city turned into one big battlefield, with everyone fighting each other. 

One day a young man entered this chaotic city, he single-handedly ceased all the fighting and proclaimed himself the king. Wielding powers never seen before, he became a figure to be feared, known as the White Terror.

The White Terror has been ruling this city for years but he never interfered much with the happenings in the city. Yet nobody dared to question his position as he was the strongest of them all. However in this city the White Terror was not the only thing to be wary of.

The abundance of supernatural beings coming to this city didn't go unnoticed by the humans. Obviously they didn't want to share their city with such monsters and they started to hunt them.

So the city might seem peaceful at first glance but at night the city would change it's true colours, screams and sounds of fighting could be heard and the walls would be decorated with red. Every night the shadows take over the city yet when the sun rises the city turns peaceful once more.

This chaotic city would become Vance his new home.

When Vance and his friends arrived at the city, the first thing they saw was a werewolf and a vampire fighting each other. The vampire's arm was bitten off and he quickly fled. The werewolf turned around, but before he could even jump to attack Deran, a silver bullet went through his brain.

The children were in complete awe, what did just happen? They never knew the human world was this scary. Deran who was still in shock from seeing canines up close, hid behind Vance hugging his back as if he was a shield. Dirion warily inspected their surroundings.

From the shadows a dark figure appeared holding a silver gun could be seen. Suddenly a calm voice broke the silence. "Are you alright? You should be careful, it's dangerous to walk around at night in this ci-"

The voice faltered as the figure fell to the ground.

When they walked over they discovered that the figure was just a little boy, maybe a few years older than them. His dark brown hair framed his face nicely, giving it a sense of maturity. He wore simple black clothes. Different weapons were secured on black belt which were warped around his body.

"What's that?" Deran whispered as he pointed toward the ground. A thick liquid was flowing through the cracks of the stone tiles. Vance frowned and started to inspect the boy. When Vance pulled up the boy his shirt, more blood started flowing. Instead of a stomach, a big gaping hole could be seen.

 Instead of a stomach, a big gaping hole could be seen

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I've been hyperventilating, laughing and crying about the last QWTFOTD update...

I'm tired...

Waking up at 5am is really taking a toll on me...10 more days and I'll be done...with the first part of the know...they like to add a second part...luckily that's at the end July...

My brain is fried...

But here you go the long awaited (short) chapter! More flash backs from Vance memories, since our MC entered in the middle of the story. Don't worry this is still the story of the little mermaid. It's just a bit less water and more twists?

Apparently this novel is pretty popular, I was surprised by the rankings. Though they change quite often, it has a weird algorithm. Also I learned that comparing my rankings against other novels helps improve/worsen my mood...

I especially love/hate the new readers who vote for every single part, I get tons of notifications for only 3 new readers, it really makes me smile.

But your comments make my day, so let me hear what you think!

Thank you for the support! See you next time~

*drops dead*

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