Arc 1.8

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Author's Note:

After a long, LONG posting break (blame finals, I'm innocent in all this), I finally can post this chapter up!

Thank you all for waiting so patiently and understanding how important my exams are even though I know that the majority of you hates cliffhangers. I know I do (even if they're fun to write), but we can all finally see the light now (unless you have finals later on in the month, then I'm sorry). 

Either way, I hope all of you are doing well with whatever you have during this time of the year. Please enjoy this decent-length chapter! (⌒▽⌒ゞ (I think 6100 words are a decent length for my standards.)


【Was that really such a good idea?】Sisay questions nervously, always the voice of reason (her only voice of reason, really) in her head.

Alex just shrugs. 'Probably not.'

【Then why did you make such a commitment in the first place?!】

'Because Chao Heng pisses me off,' Alex oh-so helpfully enlightens as she gratefully smiles when she takes the review packet from the senior classes' chemistry teacher.

The Headmaster's secretary pretty much already informed all senior-level teachers to give all review material from last year's exit exams to Alex, which left the majority of them very baffled but it's not like they can disobey the Headmaster's request either.

So Alex has been going around from teacher to teacher to obtain whatever they can give her for the exit exam in seven days.

【Alex, you just promised that you would pass Da Guan's exit exam, the exit exam that only less than sixty percent of Da Guan students actually pass.】

'Is that right? I must have missed that lecture.'

【It's in the handbook.】

'I didn't even touch that. How come you've read it?'

【That's because—never mind. The point is, you're taking that exam and your college entrance exams in the space of twenty-four hours!】

'I'm confident in my stamina.'

【Your stamina???】

'Yes,' Alex inwardly chirps to Sisay as she takes all the packets she has obtained and carries them towards the school's library. 'I'm not concern about the content of the exam. Rather whether I can get through nearly 10 hours of test-taking time.' While there are breaks in between each section of the two exams and then 18 hours in between the two exams, the entire process will still be stamina-draining for any normal person.

Without another word, Alex enters into Da Guan's large library with the intention to look over her materials and figure out a study plan for the next seven days. Dropping everything on the nearest table, she first grabs the chemistry review book on top of the pile.

【What about Bai Yang?】

'What about him?'

【Shouldn't we go and see him and tell him you're alright?】

'He's in the middle of class right now, I don't want to disturb him.'

【I highly doubt he's paying any attention to today's lessons.】

'I'll see him when lunch comes around and give him back his cell phone during so. He has my lunch box anyway.' Flipping through the review book casually while taking only a single glance at each page, Alex scoffs and tosses the packet to the side. 'General chemistry. Easy stuff.'

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