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Before you start reading you might want to know why I chose this title name. If you don't care then feel free to skip to the actual story.

In SM's Twilight the third chapter is titled 'Phenomenon'. Where Bella would have been killed if Edward hadn't saved her. The title will, hopefully, become clear at the end of the story.

This is a mini story that will not develop into more. I'm pretty much just trying to get this idea out of my head so I can focus on my HP FF, The Truth Will Out.
I'm not all that knowledgeable about Florida, New York, and Columbia University. So bare with me. 😄

As with every Twi-hard story I do I have to say that I do not own SM's characters, only mine. I'll return them once I'm done. Promise.

If you have any questions for me please comment. If you fan me, 'll fan you right back.

Yours S.A

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