New York

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New York

The automatic glass doors slid open to blast scorching heat into my face while my ears were bombarded with an overwhelming cacophony of noise. It was eight at night and the city wasn't anywhere close to quieting. It really was the city that never sleeps.

After paying the cabbie his fare I struggled with the duffle and finally got it over my shoulder before looking up at the imposing building I would be staying in for the next four years or so. Four stories tall, red brick façade, with an air of sophistication going back to the 1700's.

All of this felt like a dream. Was I really here? Was I about to start college, my next stage of life, on Monday morning? A few other students with their belongings were moving in as well and a sudden anxiety sprung up.

Could I do this?

My room was of the nothing special verity. Two twin beds crammed against the walls, two desks with lamps positioned at the end of the beds, and a wardrobe barely big enough to hold anything. Apparently, my roommate hadn't arrived yet. The air was musty from lack of use over the summer with a combination of the heat.

I chose a bed and dumped my duffle on it with a sigh. I was home.

Sarah Klein was my roommate. She knocked on the door early the next morning and was all smiles as she came in and took the remaining bed.

"Hey, Bella! It's so good to finally meet you! I can't believe it." Sarah exclaimed. She was taller than me with curly brown hair thrown up in a messy bun, making her look like she just stepped off a magazine cover. I liked her immediately.

"Yeah, I got in late last night. The rest of my things are going to be here soon. Actually, I should go down to the mail room and see. I'll let you unpack."

Making sure to grab my keys, I quickly left the room, and went to inquire about my belongings. A group of skateboarders flew past me, students littered the lawns dressed in school colors, and it all seemed surreal.

I checked in at the student post office and found out my boxes had just arrived, which was great timing, and the worker there even allowed me to borrow a dolly to wheel everything back to my room instead of doing a few trips.

"Sign here and make sure to bring it back in thirty minutes, that's when I have to do my rounds." The worker, who I just now looked at, said. Probably to other girls he looked handsome, but to me he was just another person who I found no attraction towards. Would it be like this forever?

Would I forever be looking for pale marble skin, sharp jaw line, and copper colored hair? It depressed me to realize that, yes, I would. And didn't that just sound terrific? I thought sarcastically.

Quickly signing the clipboard, I loaded up the boxes and took them back to my room where Sarah was putting away her clothes. A shiny new laptop was sitting on her desk and she had already put up some pictures, making my side look dull. The only pop of color was my old purple duvet Charlie had given to me in Forks.

"Hey, do you want help putting your things away?" Sarah asked with a tilt of her head. I shook mine and gave her a fake smile.

"It's all good. I was actually going to go eat. Want to join?" I asked, in an attempt to be more social. Sarah seemed like the social kind of person so maybe I could gain friends with I was with her.

"Sure! I can't wait to explore this campus!" 


Sarah is an actual person and an amazing person. This is for you BFF!

Let me know what you think. 

Yours S.A

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