Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys! I just wanted to apologize for not updating for 2 weeks. I have been stressing over this end of the year debate thing that would basically determine my grade for our final quarter in school.

The good thing is, is that my debate is over. I know I most likely lost, but the outcome of the debate won't affect my grade. :). Which is a good thing because if I fail than you guys would not be getting you next update until about a month from now. I also learned that I have really great friends during this time period. The pictures from above is a gift from a friend that is also on Wattpad writing about Once upon a Time fanfics. She surprised me with those pages to 'quit stressing, just think of my OTP being cannon, and know that everything is now fine with the world.'

P.S. In case you guys were wondering, Will is 19 and Nico is 18. Thank you JadeDaughterofHades for clearing up that. :)

Well now that we got all that cleared up, let's get down to the fun stuff!

*Disclaimer: All characters and settings are owned by Uncle Rick (Who still to this day writing makes me want to cry) and J.K. Rowling

"So, let's get things straight. Basically, you expect me to try to go undercover and blend in with your pets that have overpopulated. Oh, and don't let me forget having to go to school to protect this Harry Potter kid that Mr. 'Flight-from-Death' is obsessed with killing. Anything else that I am forgetting?"

"Yes, you must pose as an exchange student from the Ilvermorny American School of witchcraft and wizardry. Now, step forward please."

He allowed Lady Hecate to put a hand upon his head. Nico felt a warmth spread through his body. It felt similar to when you drink hot chocolate on a snowy day. Images flashed in front of his eyes fast enough to give Nico a headache. When the images and the warmth subsided, Nico looked back into the eyes of Hecate and his Father.

Then she spoke, "I have given you all the knowledge of the wizarding world, so you can protect Harry. Your knowledge goes as far as the level of an Auror (A/N: Spelling?). You can also easily manipulate the mist so you can fit in with the other 14 year olds.

"Here is your wand. It is 11 inches, unyielding flexibility, and contains a feather from Thanatos' wings. I also went and took the liberty in coating it in stygian iron to make it indestructible. This way it can better suit your needs."

Nico grasped the wand and felt the shadows cling to him. He knows that his armor, cloak, and crown have appeared upon him, but he is used to that by now. Ever since the titan and giant wars, his father had blessed him with the full title of Ghost King along with the power that comes with it. Now whenever the shadows cling to him, his true new upgraded outfit appears as well, which he won't complain about.

Hecate's words bring him back to reality.

She said, "Nico remember that you must protect Harry for as long as it takes. He must die when the fates have planned for him to, but no sooner. Otherwise the world will crumble to ash if Voldemort isn't stopped."

With one last look between the two of them, Nico shadow traveled back to camp.

Will won't be too happy about this.

----10 minutes later (A/N did anyone else say this in the SpongeBob voice?) ----


"Will, I can't change it no matter how hard I tried. The fates themselves had issued this quest for me. We must not go against fate."

"I know, but what about the wedding? We are going to have to push it back again! Plus, I can't even come with to you to Pig pimples! I don't want to lose you. But I will let you go, but I still won't be happy about it. When do you leave?"

"As soon as I get packed, I have to shadow travel to a wizard family's home owed by the Weaselys. From there I will stay a couple of days, then board the train for Hogwarts."

Nico kneeled in front of his sunshine. He hated when the glow in Will's eyes become shiny with tears. He reached out his hand to the face that he loves deeply with his heart and soul, the face of his fiancé. Nico leaned forward and kissed Wil's tears away and said, "Please don't cry. I am not going anywhere. For all that we have been through, I wouldn't leave the best thing in my life behind. I couldn't live with the heartache. I will be back during the summer and I will IM you whenever I can. With everything that I have been through, I won't die this easily. Plus, you can use this thing called owl post to contact me too.

At this Will laughed and said, "Sounds like something the Athena Cabin would hunt you down for. We can reschedule the wedding for another date. Probably, during the summer. But, I want to make this a day last as long as possible."

"As long as I'm with you."

Nico melted into Wills touch never wanting to leave.

***IMPORTANT A/N: I have no idea when I will get to update next. I am almost out of school so I will have to return the laptop. I know that I am getting one in the summer because my Dad is too lazy to actually hide anything, so expect my next update around the first couple weeks of June.



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