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Zelena, or the Wicked witch wasn't as wicked as the stories tell you. She had always been jealous of her sister, Regina. But she also knew that Regina was kind and caring, because they had met when they were just children. Cora had wiped it from Regina's mind, but not from Zelena's. So when everyone arrived back in The Enchanted Forest, it took them a year to find a way back.
Regina recovered her lost memories and she now cared more for Zelena than she ever thought she would. She also met Robin Hood, a man who made her feel happy again.

Snow Whites wish from Neverland became fulfilled as she and Charming were expecting another baby. When everyone returned to Storybrooke, they first found Emma and Henry. Neal kissed Emma and she remembered everything that had happened. Henry got a memory potion from Gold and in no time everyone was reunited.

Or maybe not.

Killian had asked Ruby's help to track down Bree, they searched all over the internet. But there were no traces of her to be found.

Quite logical, if you imagined that Bree and her family had always been very careful. They had always needed to be, as Mikael had always hunted them down.

So Killian went to Regina, he asked her to do a locator spell. To everyone's surprise she was located in New Orleans. A city of parties, something they hadn't known Bree was fond of.
And it became time for a little road trip. Killian, Emma, Neal, Henry, Regina, Snow White, David and Ruby went to find Bree. Will they finally find out what she is?

Once upon a vampire (Severe editing)Where stories live. Discover now