Starting to accept then past

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Chapter 7 – Starting to Accept the past...

I woke up to something warm and frowned this wasn't right normally I woke up cold and normally on the floor not the bed, I opened my eyes and noticed that it was my father and he was smiling as he was looking down at me, "well it is safe to say that you are no longer the light little princess anymore, I think daddy might need to go to the gym more often" dad said to me.

I laughed and went to move but he shook his head, "I need you to stay still baby, your Uncle Severus needs to put on some stuff for your wounds and then we are going to talk about this as a family" dad said to me.

I nodded and knew that this was something that I was not going to get out off, sighing I noticed that Severus walked back in and smiled at me, "alright then, this is going to be cold and I need you to tell me when it starts to get warm okay" he asked.

I nodded and watched as he walked around the side of me and gently lifted the strap of my dress and pulled it down so I didn't have anything over my shoulders and I watched as he frowned, "okay so this is going to be cold Octavia" Severus said to me.

I nodded and couldn't help the flinch when he placed it on and he smiled as he came to face me, "also I said that I would get a medical file done for Professor promfoy at the school for the hospital wing, I need to do one for your sister as well but I have a feeling that this is going to be harder for you. So I am going to need you to answer a few questions that this parchment might not get from you" Severus explained.

I nodded and I watched as he poured some potion on to a parchment and then turned to me, "please could I have your finger" he asked me.

I smiled and nodded, holding my hand out to him he quickly got the blood and went to reading the parchment;

Octavia Lilith Riddle
Age: 15
Parents: Olivia and Tom Riddle
Siblings: Faye Olivia Riddle (identical twin sister)
Children: None
Species: Pure Blood
Complete Medical Record: Only up to 15 months old ~ no school jabs or boosters given.

I noticed that Snape looked up to me and shook his head, "those muggles didn't even protect you at all" Snape said and I swore I could see something in his eyes that I recognised.

I don't know why I could speak to him from everything that had happened in our past with him not being the nicest of people to me but I just started to speak and couldn't stop, "they didn't like witches or wizards as Vernon's wife was Lilly's sister and I always remember her saying that their parents where so proud with a witch in the family, she always said that Lilly was a freak, and to them there son was the best thing in the world according to Vernon. They only took me because it would make them look like good people who helped the less fortunate, plus they were getting paid for it as I knew that they would receive a package each month which they would spend on Dudley, that idiot always got new toys or clothes when he wanted, hell he even through a tantrum because he got less presents one year to the other. They always said that they only did it because of that but behind closed doors it was different, Dudley the son had two rooms a play room and a room to sleep in and well they made me sleep in the cupboard under the stairs and well to be honest they treated me like a house elf, I had to make sure that the house was clean and that dinner, lunch and breakfast was cooked, all the ironing and other things, the older I got the more the list got longer until last summer where I snapped and well I lost my temper at them and screamed at them" I explained.

I heard a sob and turned to see Faye was in tears and watched as she ran over to me, "I never knew it was that bad Oct, you always looked like nothing could hurt you" Faye said to me.

Octavia And Faye Riddle - A story of the Riddle TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now