Telling your secret.

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Akise's Point of View
I went to the Science Lab and saw Master and Christopher fighting. I came closer to hear what's going on.

"I'm done having an assistant like you to wreck my projects!"

"What do you mean?! I've been your assistant for five years and your kicking me out?!"

"You always bother me and ruin my projects! Your clumsiness is not allowed on my Lab anymore!"

"So what about it?! James is clumsier than me! Why not kick him out?! "

"He's smarter than you! You almost killed us all! Good thing it didn't exploded!"

"Oh, it's my fault? Weren't you the one who accidently bumped me?!"


"And tell everyone about your secret about Akise? Sure, why not, I'll leave."

"Don't even dare Christopher!"

"Oh, I dare!"

"Just get your bags!"

"Fine and let everyone know the lie you made about him!" From that Christopher ran to his room.

What secret about me? What's he hiding?

I peeked inside his room.

"Tch, I'll show him. Then everyone will hate him for hiding him from everyone." Then he walked outside with his bags.

"Christopher? You're leaving?!"

"Yes, Akise. Because of that stupid master of yours. Don't worry, you'll somehow know the truth of what's he hiding."


"Stay cool, Akise." Then he left.

Morning and Skiptime to school.
I went inside saw Fang and Gopal there. I don't want to have an awkward silence between us. So I just went somewhere else.

It's 7:25 and peeked into the classroom. They're still there. But my other classmates aren't there.

Fang's Point of View
"So, why are we here again?"

"I need to apologize to Akise."

"Yeah, but why Saturday?"

"Every Saturday he comes to school cause he thinks it's Monday. I'm pretty sure he'll be here."

"But if not?"

"Let's go home."

"Really?? "

"If he didn't come. "

"Aww.. "

Then I heard some footsteps on the hallway..

"Hey, why are you kids here? It's Saturday. "

Oh, it was just a janitor...

"Face it dude, he won't come."

"Fine, let's go. "

Me and Gopal went outside and heard some noise.

"Fang, are there ghosts here?! The box just moved!"

"Don't be such a coward, probably the wind. Let's go."

Back to Akise's Point of View

Luckily I hid in the box. I can't believe it's Saturday! I always do that. When they left. I went out of the box.

Grabbed my bag and left the school.

Then I saw Christopher with Ying, Yaya and Ochobot.


"Hey, Akise."

"What are you doing here?"

"Oh, just chatting with your friends."

"Oh.. "

"Akise, meet me at the park at 7:00 pm, I have something to tell you."

"Okay, see ya."

Will Akise find out that he is him?
Find out on the next chapter.

To be continued.

Question: Should I make a FangBoy story after this book?

Back Again (Sequel From "Maniac : BoBoiBoy Fanfiction") ((H I A T U S)) Where stories live. Discover now