Author Note

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Dear readers i really wish i was not  writing this, but it has come to my attention that all of you are leaving comment about my punctuation
And much more.

Now i do appreciate the comments of the people who are helping me.

however there are some of you that leave very distasteful comments out there about this situation.

And I'm asking very kindly to stop.

For those who don't understand what's going on, allow me to tell you.

I can't do proper punctuation for the life of me. I'm sorry but i just can't and if see this as a offense well i apologize in advance.

And if wright down something like if you can't wright properly then don't right.

Well i got news for you, i may be bad at writing, but that's not going to stop me, i love to express my self through writing and if you don't like how i write, or you don't like the story and what is about well that's fine

Because that your opinion.

However that doesn't mean you have to be a jerck about it and write bad words on your comments.

So please I'm asking you to stop.

And if i lose a few followers because i wrote this note then so be it,

I didn't came to this app to get famous i came here to have fun and make people happy about the story's i make.

Now that this over, i hope we reached a understanding about the matter.

And i love you all bye.

Boku No Hero Academia Aizawa Shouta X Reader Quirkless ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now