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"Is she awake yet?" I asked Danielle's doctor.

"She's still in a coma Kyle, there is nothing we can do but wait!" The doctor replies.

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Okay, okay!" I keep on repeating.

"Mr.Kuzma, I think it'd be best if you just went home and got some sleep, okay? We'll call you if anything changes."

"Can I just-" I start.

"I'm sorry, Kyle. I have other patients to attend to!" She says. She walks down the hall and into another room.

I walk out of the hospital towards my car.

I drive home after checking on Aniyah and Cameron.

Brook agreed to watch them while for me.

I go to my guest room and I see Lonzo asleep in the bed.

I throw a pillow at Lonzo and he wakes up.

"Why the heck are you in here?" Lonzo asked.

"Um, lemme think!" I pause for a moment pretending to think, "It's my house!"

"Well, duh. But like...whatever!"

I laugh at Lonzo and he grabs his phone turning it on.

I look down at my phone and I see I have two missed calls.

I quickly unlock my phone and I check my voicemail.

"Hello Kyle. I'm calling to inform you that your wife has woken up-" I hear the doctor say.

I look at Lonzo. "We gotta go!"

"Is she up?" Lonzo asked getting up.

He grabs his shoes and he quickly puts his shoes on.

I nod my head yes.


We drive to the hospital and I find a park.

Lonzo and I speed walk to Danielle's hospital room.

Danielle's doctor stands outside of the room waiting for my arrival.

"Did you listen to the whole voicemail, Kyle?" The doctor says.

"I think so, can I see her now?"

"You can, but Kyle, there's something you should know before you go in there." The doctor paused, "She doesn't- she doesn't remember you."

"What?" I say.

I walk inside of Danielle's hospital room and she's watching tv.

"Hey," I say walking towards her bed.

She glances at me for a second and then she looks away.

I hear her gasp and a hand flys over her mouth.

"Kyle!" She screams.

See she remembers me!

"Oh my God your Kyle Kuzma and your in my hospital room! Why are you- why are you here?"

"You really don't remember me?" I asked Danielle.

She shakes her head no. "No...um, should I remember you?"

"I mean, you should...but you don't." I look down at the floor.

"What are you to me? My best friend, brother, cousin, boyfriend?" Danielle says.

I look up when Danielle says boyfriend.

Danielle makes a shocked face. "Nah, your playing with me! I would remember if you were my boyfriend!"

"Well, actually, your my wife bu-" I blink a few times before taking in a deep breathe.

I'm so grateful that Danielle is alive, I really am, but she doesn't remember me.

How could she not remember me?

Catfish 3 | Kyle KuzmaWhere stories live. Discover now