The inevitable question.

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Squire's POV:

"Who are you?"

I sighed. I knew this was coming.

"Guys. I'm not who you think I am."

Yang grinned at me. "Really? I think you're a tall, muscular man who's super hot."

Ruby's head whipped around to look at her. "YANG!"

I facepalmed, then looked over at Ghost. "Ghost. Come here. We've got some explaining to do."

Ghost spun around to look at me. Going crazy-fast, he flew over to me and entered my head.

"No time! Hive/Grimm is attacking the school! All the Hunters are getting mowed down, one by one!"

I bolted to my feet. "What? No time! Guys, we've gotta protect the school! Ghost! Armor, now!"

"On it!"

Grabbing my Mida Multi-Tool from my back, I shoved the window open and leaned out. Grimm were swarming the school grounds and the attack sirens were blaring.

"Alert. Incoming Grimm attack. Treat level: nine. Please seek sh-" I tuned out the alarm.

Calming my mind using the tips Ikora taught me, I got ready to fight to the death. "Ghost. Can you revive me here, in Beacon?"

"No, the Darkness is too strong. I can't feel the Traveler's Light anymore."

"Okay." I looked back at my shocked friends, whom I've known only for a few moments. "Everyone, listen up. We need to defend Beacon at all costs, understood? We may not be full-blown Huntsmen and Huntresses yet, but we do know how to fight. So, we'll fight until our last breath, and then we fight, even more, you hear me?! Today, you all become Guardians!"

They all firmly nodded, drawing their weapons at the same time. I returned the favor, then put my helmet on with a stern face.

"Let's do this."

Leaping out of the window, I landed on a Grimm, killing it. Twirling out of the way of a strike, I rammed the butt of my rifle into its head, then took aim at a Boarbatusk. Taking it out with ease, I began to make my way through the storm, rarely using my Light. Only when I saw a pool of Unbound Light did I unleash my Super.

Leaping high into the air, I curled my fists together as electricity coursed through my arms. Being pulled to the earth at incredible speeds, the impact from my fists sent lightning shooting every which way, vaporizing hundreds of Grimm in the process. After a Light-boosted punch to a Grimm's jaw and a frag tossed aside, I slid into the pool and felt the Light pour into me. When I examined the damage I had caused with that Fist of Havoc, I frowned, then chuckled when I saw how high Beacon Tower was.


Running and gunning, I bolted into Beacon Tower and sprinted into an elevator. Hitting the button for the top floor, I got ready for a possible fight.


Scanning the roof with my gun, I found nothing. With a smile, I walked to the edge and looked down.

"Here goes!"

"Guardian, wait! I have a connection to the Vanguard!"

"Darn it. Put them through."

Ghost nodded, then expanded, locking on to the Vanguard's signal. "And... there! Link established!"

Zaval wasted no time in requesting a sit-rep. "Guardian! What's happened! Why haven't you checked in for a while?"

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