45| Shocking Revealations

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Hello my lovely lovely readers!! How are you!?

Emily's Pov:

I was as shocked as a bull deprived of water after ploughing fields in strong sunlight all day!

I stared continously at Lara, who was still crying hysterically, hugging the album close to her bosom.

"You have a daughter, Lara?!!"

She nodded meekly, wiping her tears like a little girl with the back of her hands. My motherly love kicked in and without thinking anything, I pulled out handkerchief from my purse and handed it to her.

She looked at the piece of cloth and then at me and I smiled at her, encouraging her to take it, coaxing her with my sympathetic eyes.

"Here! Come here!" I made her sit on the sofa and immediately poured a glass of water for her which she drank it, her tears still flowing from her beautiful eyes.

"I won't ask anything else if you're hurting so much because of it!" I patted her back, assuring her of my words. Standing up, I attempted to leave when she stopped me by clutching the sleeves of my shirt.


I turned around to see her vulnerable and miserable form, pleading for something.

"I want to talk about it! It's been years and I can't hide the truth anymore! I am hurting everyone because of my biggest mistake!"

Hiding my own surprise after listening her gentle words, I sat down beside her, pouring myself a glass of water and gulping it down in one shot before finally looking at her.

"So why didn't you tell me! About your daughter and all!? I understand Edward hid it for me for a reason and that's why he was eager to get married to you but atleast, you should have told me the whole truth! That way I would've understood why he was marrying me for fake so desperately!"

Lara looked at me, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Why would Edward tell you anything about my daughter!?"

"Because then I would've understood the extent of your relationship with him pretty well!?"

"But how can he tell you about her when he himself didn't know about it!"

My eyes widened in surprise.

"You didn't tell Edward yet! Why!? He deserves to know he has a child, Lara! That's unfair!"

She remained silent for minutes while I just stared at her, expecting her to say something.

"She isn't Edward's child", Lara whispered slowly, staring at the floor, too ashamed to even look at me.


"Vivian is not Edward's daughter!"

My hands flew to my mouth to stop a loud gasp. But my heart relaxed much to see that Vivian wasn't Edward's daughter.

It would be a understatement to say that my heart broke into million pieces to learn that Lara had a daughter. And it took my whole strength not to cry out loudly in front of her after she asked me all those questions about me loving Edward.

But if Vivian is not Edward's daughter then what about her blue eyes and brown curls!?

"Who is the father then!!?"

Lara stopped wiping her tears from my hanky to look at me, putting the cloth over her lap.

"Vivian's father!?"

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