The Morning After

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Her sleeping face is ethereal. Absolutely beautiful. Anyone who says otherwise can go die in a hole. Her messy hair, that relaxed smile, and a tiny line of drool running down her mouth. *sigh* I'm just so lucky to have discovered Yoongi's little ruby.

Father told me when I was 18, I'd have someone close to my age join me in the mafia business. Who knew it'd be the shortstack, grumplestilskin himself. Although, Father never told us about Y/N which sounds fishy, considering Yoongi's own mother had sold him to us, she should've made it a package deal.

"Mmm. Rghihhjug." She makes such adorable sounds when stirring, I think she's waking up now.

"Good morning, baby." " mmf, morning, Jin." She grunts a little as she gets up. "Where did you lock up Yoongi?" As much as I love her, her sharp senses of picking up suspicious things makes it harder to tie her down.

"I'm sure he just went back home with Hoseok and Jimin, nothing to worry about." I try to reassure her, but I knew she was going to leave my side to look for them, I need to initiate my back-up plan now.

"Yoongi never leaves without me, he acts as if I'm a baby who needs guidance, it's not like him to --."


This tranquilizer better work like Jimin made it to be. Jimin said 12 hours, then she better stay that way for 12 hours.

Father said we had a safehouse in Hong Kong, and that Jackson Wang, the caretaker is nice, just a little loud sometimes

Well my jewel, we should get going before you wake up, after all, we have years and years of alone time to catch up on.

*backtrack to the past*

"Do we have a deal, Mrs. Min?" He looks at her, an amused glint in his eyes.

"Of course, Mr. Kim, you have my word." She puts on a fake smile, that hurts her cheekbones to no end.

Their agreement was that once Yoongi turned 17 (is not here. Lolol crazy Carat as well) , Mr. Kim would take him under his wing and make him fit to be in the mafia.

But once Yoongi turned 17, Mrs. Min could no longer stay by his side and had to leave forever, no contact, no pictures, nothing.

*fast forward*
(We're moving faster than Quiksilver today)

*Yoongi POV*

The old fool is missing, not even in the favored places he usually goes to. I don't know where he's ran off to, but now that he's been gone for so long, now Jin is being appointed mafia head.

We're all fucking dead now that he's head.

No matter, but that just means that he won't know about Y/N, Boss Kim was supposed to tell Jin once he let him take over, but now that Boss Kim is missing, I don't need to worry anymore.

Don't worry, Y/N, they'll never know about you now, you'll be safe and content.

*elsewhere, same time*

"YOU BITCHES, YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!! ESPECIALLY YOUR BOSS!! Don't think I don't know who she is..." Mr. Kim sneers at the masked people in front of him, holding a variety of knives and guns to his face.

"I told you I'd get back at you once I've had the power, Kim." A voice rings from behind. "It's too bad Seokjin doesn't care enough about his old man to prevent this from happening.." Mrs. Min sneers back.

"You didn't....." Mr. Kim says, not believing Jin would do this. "Your age must be getting to you, old man. Did you really think Seokjin, a young and ambitious man, after learning of the power you wield as the head of a mafia, would just sit still and wait for it to be passed onto him? He helped me get to you, because he wanted that power, but I think we both know that the state he is in right now, he would fail as the head."

*stab* "SEULGI! WHAT HAVE I SAID ABOUT KILLING THE VICTIM?!" "I'm sorry, but he was already frothing at the mouth, ma'am, it would've been better to send him to hell quicker."

Blood runs down Mr. Kim's finely tailored suit as his eyes roll back and his breathing stops.

"It's fine, just..... try keeping him alive longer next time. At least he's no longer a threat to my children." Then Mrs. Min looks up. "Well dear, I cleaned up your goddamn mess, hope you're having a good time up there, rotting in hell."

A/N: last few chaps have been more back story, but people always need that, hope you guys enjoy! Also, 500+ reads?! I'm crying, tysm for keeping up with this trashy book.

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