Chapter 17: Rock the Devil Realm

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Poseidon's POV

The three of us teleported in the Gremory land of course with a mask except Lucy. All of the devils where shock and kneed. Sirzech walk toward us with Serafall and Grayfia.

Sirzech: What are you doing here Lord Joker?

Poseidon: Is that a great way to greet a friend? Well anyways I am here to see Riser's marriage. Where is he?

Sirzech called Riser. Riser walk toward us. I smirk behind my mask.

Riser: It's nice to meet the Lord of the Crystal Realm.

Poseidon : I am also glad to met someone like you.

Hestia: We are congratulating you on your marriage.

Lucy: Congrats.

Riser: Thanks to all of you even you Ms. Aphrodite (Lucy). Well, I will go back now to introduce my fiancée.

Riser teleported somewhere and Sirzech look at us.

Sirzech: Take a sit.

Poseidon: Thank you.

I seated beside Sirzech with Hestia and Lucy. I saw Rias' peerage so I wave at them and talk to them telepathy.

Poseidon: Hey guys better get ready Kratos or [y/n] will be coming

Akeno: Really?

Kiba: That's better.

Koneko: Is he here to break Rias marriage?

Poseidon: Well yes he is but he look funny! Hahahaha.

Akeno: What are you talking about?

Poseidon: You better see it.

This show will be fun. I'm excited.

Rias' POV

I look at myself in the mirror when Riser teleported. He smile at me.

Riser: It's a good thing to be with you. Also, Lord Joker is here. I can't believe it you know? Well you better get ready I will introduce you to all.

Rias: Kratos is here? What is he doing here?

I just sigh and look again in the mirror. I sigh again and teleported myself.

Riser: — and here's my fiancé Rias Gre—

???: Hey Blue! Play it already!

???: I don't know how to use this!

???: You're dumb baka-blue!

Riser: Who the hell is interrupting us?!

???: Oh it's played good good just leave it here now we will enter..3..2...1

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