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...where am I? My head is pounding and I can't control my body... my vision starts to get better as I see a white ceiling similarly like my own room, but this has a very different feeling and I don't like it. I hear muffled talking but I can't think straight to put it to words or understand the situation, I feel light and weak but what is happening.

"Wake up, Nayeon" I hear the muffled voice becoming more clearer as my vision follows my hearing and I see a black haired Jimin staring down at me. I tried to sit up but the soreness of my body became more apparent making me wince in pain. "Don't get up too quickly, you don't have the energy to do so" He says whilst looking away. I tried to talk and I only got out "What did you do?" I say very weakly "You didn't realise your sick? The moment I sunk my fangs into you I can tell the rise of temperature which explains why you fainted before I can even have a sip" He said as if annoyed which is rude.

"When will you stop?" I also say very weakly but the frustration was evident. "Till the day I am happy the way I am" It is not my fault... I wish I could tell him but he would never believe me... "Plus we have the special bond I forgot the name and I seriously want to detach that bond" I felt offended "Why don't you just drop the bond, you can easily say the sentence and we won't be this close" I angrily said "No, If I don't have you then I'll go batshit crazy on another person and possibly cause their life, you know your only alive for the little percentage of vampire in you" I scoffed as I got up and stared at him.

We didn't say anything except for staring at each other. The atmosphere had quickly changed and the mood intensified as I saw a glimpses of crimson in Jimin's eyes, I felt like I was being drawn closer to him without any control and my mind has been let go. He scooted closer towards me as our faces were pulled closer by an imaginary magnet.

The door suddenly burst open ruining the whole mood and we departed from each other so fast as I looked wide eyed by the situation we were put in. My cheeks stained red as I started to feel more hot. "Are we interrupting?" I hear a males voice and my instincts grabbed the blanket whilst I pushed Jimin. He too looked shocked and angry at the same time. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" He beckoned at them as they came piling him making me scared out my life.

Jimin stood up from the bed as the 5 others had rammed themselves in "Who-??" I sensed that them too were vampires and I whispered shouted at him "You made friends with other vampires?!" "Hello and I'm certainly not offended by your rude remark but I'm Taehyung" He gives a half sarcastic smile, "I met them whilst I was out hunting for food and they seem like pretty cool dudes" Jimin said. He explained all their names which consisted of Taehyung, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook.

I jolted with the name, "Yah, Jungkook you punk! What are you doing here?!" Jungkook looked at me, "Noona? Oh what are you doing here?!" I glared at Jimin, "WHAT IN THE RIGHTEOUS MIND DO YOU HAVE TO BRING IN MY COUSIN INTO THIS?!" I screamed with all my might. All of them shivered, "Your cousin? Ha. Funny. Hmm I don't know I just met him through Taehyung. Wait. That's the guy I saw in school with you" Jimin was discussing on his own. I glared at Jungkook, "you better be going back home or else imma ruin you" Jungkook smiled as he ignored my remark. 

They all had differences between them but I didn't want to befriend them in such way due to them being freaking vampires. Whilst the 6 others were talking amongst themselves I grabbed Jimin within the nick of time and pulled him towards me and I whispered to his ear, "When can I leave?" He simply shrugged his shoulders which mind you annoyed the heck out of me.

"I'm hungry aren't you?" Jin says as the others agree, my sixth sense picked up on me being the only human in presence as I grabbed the bed sheets and pulled it right up to my face. Hoseok chuckled at my action "We don't only eat humans, we can also eat human food too" And I sighed in relief.

We all settled at the kitchen whilst Jin was cutting up some onions and Namjoon firing up the pan with butter and the others just bumming around. I really didn't want to disclose much about myself but stupid big mouth Jimin just had to insert everything about my life. "Wow! Nayeon your family is full of vampires?!" "And you gave Jimin your blood so he can turn into a vampire?!" Was what I heard from both Yoongi and Taehyung. Yoongi also had said "That is one of the most unique stories I've ever heard" he smirked to himself.

Me feeling uncomfortable I walked over to Jin who was cutting up the rest of the veggies and asked him if I could be of any help. He refused at first but seeing that I persisted he allowed be to cut the vegetables whilst he grabbed the chicken. I wanted to cut as well as him to gain the precision of the knife and cut thinly but nicely.

I hear an argument erupting between the boys sitting on the couch as all I hear is "We don't have a bond" "Uh yes you do you half human thinking you know all about vampires!" Hoseok says. "Do you want me to show you?" Jimin got up and headed towards the kitchen. He walked towards me and called for my name, "Nayeon" I looked up but my head was pulled lightly towards his direction I hesitantly say," W-What?" He says nothing but he keeps a strong gaze. He keeps his hand on top of my head whilst his small but deep eyes become my whole vision.

As I was looking away a sudden prick of my skin made me wince and look away towards the knife to see it has cut a layer of my skin exposing my blood. I had only been hit my realisation

I am stuck in a house full of vampires

The Rejected Mate (Park Jimin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now