#70. The Dance » Steve (part 4)

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I trailed behind Peggy, who was wearing a gorgeous red dress. A plan had been made by Phillips and Steve, for Steve and his group, the men from the 107th that he had saved, to infiltrate Schmidt aka Red Skull's bases to try and find him. The plan started the next day, so the officers were taking the night to relax and to celebrate Steve's successful rescue mission.

At first, I didn't want to go. I was quite content with staying in my quarters (which I magicked up for myself so that I didn't have to share with anyone) and doing whatever people from the 1940s did to entertain themselves. However, Peggy managed to convince me to join her in the celebrations.

"If anything," she had said, "go for Steve. Don't think I don't know about that dance he promised you."

Strangely, that was enough to convince me.

Peggy let me borrow one of her dresses as I didn't have anything remotely fancy to wear. It was a long sleeved navy blue dress, that was one solid color from the bottom all the way to the torso, then the sleeves were a lace pattern. It was a modest dress, very classy, but still quite sexy in my opinion.

We entered the bar where the celebration was in full swing. The men who were about to embark on their mission were already incredibly drunk, or just getting there, and were singing some song at the top of their lungs, but it all came out slurred and incoherent.

Peggy spotted Steve and Bucky sitting at the bar and grabbed my arm, leading me over to them.

"Hello you two," she said with a smile.

The both turned. Bucky greeted me with a hug and Peggy with a quick salute, but I noticed the small grin on his face as he looked at Peggy. I couldn't blame him; she looked beautiful.

Steve, however, was silent and slightly dumbfounded as he looked me over. I felt my face burn a little, but I tried to act confident. Sure, I was quite cocky and an anti-hero in my time, but I wasn't used to guys looking at me like this. Not just with absolute lust, but with some sort of affection in their eyes.

"Hello Steve," I said with a smile. "I believe you owe me a dance."

Steve shook his head and looked back up at me. He managed to regain his composure and he smiled. "I believe I do. May I have this dance then, Agent Jannat?"

I giggled. "You may, Captain Rogers."

Steve took my hand and led me to the dance floor. He spun me around before pulling me close, causing me to giggle again. I still couldn't hear what the song was, but I could tell it wasn't slow. But Steve was still dancing slow with me, so I imagined some super romantic slow song from my era in my head. A total cliche, cheesy, Nicholas Sparks romance novel/movie moment was happening between us, and I wasn't complaining about it.

Steve was looking down at his feet, and I could hear him counting under his breath, like when someone teaches you how to dance and they count the steps. I put my hand under his chin and raised his head to make him look at me.

"Don't worry about it so much," I told him. "Just move to the music."

"I can't do that when the music is my team drunkenly singing," Steve chuckled.

"Then just imagine something slower, or just...sway."

Steve smiled and did as I said. We were swaying left and right in the middle of an empty dancefloor. There weren't many females here, just myself and Peggy, so I understood why no one else was dancing like we were.

I decided not to focus on everyone else around. I tuned out the drunken singing, the soldiers who weren't as drunk who were staring at us, and the feeling of Peggy and Bucky's eyes on the two of us. I just looked up at Steve's handsome face and let it all fade away. It was just us, swaying to our imaginary music.

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