[15] Lie

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Taehyung paced near the front hall, where the mail was typically delivered. It had been three days since he had seen Jungkook, and he had promised to communicate by letter.

The only correspondence he had received from the love of his life was the completed painting, but there was something odd about it that Taehyung couldn't place.

He felt like his heart was dying, pulling, tugging in every direction just to speak to the man at least one more time.

Just to gaze into his eyes.

He returned to the hall, to look at the paintings.

There was something eerie about the last one they received, something different.

He had stared at it too many times to count attempting to place the difference.

His finger stretched out, tracing the lines of the signature he so adored.

The painting of the garden, the first one he completed.

The signature on the ballroom painting, that made Taehyung blush because that was when they first kissed.

The painting of the front hall, that hosted so many adventures with Jimin.

Finally, the painting of the hall.

But as his long finger traced this signature, it was as if his mind had awoken.

This was not his signature.

Whoever forged it had done a damn good job, but they missed one telling stroke of the artist- a slightly inward curl of both of the 'j' s.

Blood rushed all around his body, thumping in his ears, freezing his legs and arms as his mind raced to figure out what exactly this meant.

He felt the same urge that he had felt two months ago- he had to see Jungkook again.

His cape flew behind him, barely keeping up with his blurred legs as his adrenaline took over and the pounding of his heart was the only sound he could hear.


Taehyung's feet slid to a stop by the front of the Jeon gallery and studio, as he spotted the sign hanging in the front window.

Gone to EXO to teach classes – will be back in 6 months

~ Jeon Jung-soo

Suddenly, he spotted an envelope taped to the window, addressed

"To Tae"

His hands trembled, scrambling to shove open the envelope heart leaping and jumping all at once.

Dearest Tae,

I have considered your proposal thoroughly and have come to the conclusion that we are not a good match. You deserve someone noble and good enough for the position of royal partner. I am a simple painter, whose life is dedicated to the documentation of other people. I hope you did not get the wrong idea about our time together, although judging by your proposal I think you did. I hope we can still be friends when I return from EXO and teaching with my father. I will miss you.

Your friend,

Jeon Jungkook

His eyes ran over the message for what felt like 345389 times.

It couldn't be.

Jungkook would have told him.

He said he loved him.

He grabbed handfuls of his hair, attempting to calm himself, but rather it sent him into a state of further panic.

Jungkook would have said something.

It was as if his legs had minds of their own, slowly making their way back to his home as he couldn't think straight, his heart crying out in stunned madness.

He suddenly found himself on his bed, clutching a pillow for comfort.

Jungkook left him.

For the first time in the two happiest months of his life, two nights before what should have been the happiest night of his life, a single tear slid down his cheek.


Namjoon was startled by a sudden wail of sorrow, that appeared to have been quickly muffled.

His head shot up as he looked across the room, seeing Jin have the same reaction.

They both knew that voice, that cry, and immediately ran from the room, straight to Taehyung's bed.

They found him, curled up in a ball in the middle of his bed, clutching a pillow soaked in his own tears.

His hair was a mess, his clothing in complete despair, and Namjoon thought he had never seen someone so broken since the fire they rescued him from.

The brightness of the room lied about the feeling of that space.

Taehyung suddenly felt two pairs of warm arms wrap around him, and he collapsed as his parents tightly held their twenty-year-old son in their arms.

Jin's hand stroked his head as it lay on Namjoon's shoulder.

They sat for what felt like an eternity, the two leaders of the country forgoing their duty to the kingdom to care for their most important priority.

Jin couldn't help but wonder the reason for Taehyung's breakdown, but judging from the heaving of his breath and the river flowing from his eyes it could only be one thing.

That only made Jin pull his two loves closer.

His sobs echoed around the room, breaking not only his heart but those of the Kings' as well.

Namjoon saw a crumpled, wet letter thrown on Taehyung's desk, finally inferring exactly what was happening.

"He said he loved me"

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