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Move In Where?!

"Hyung, where are you going?" Hoseok called out when he saw Suga leaving the HQ later that afternoon.

"Huh?" Suga looked back and ruffled the back of his hair awkwardly.

Hoseok sighed and shook his head when he realized where Suga was going.

Suga looked at him apologetically, "I won't be long."

"Go," Hoseok told him before heading back in.


"Looks like Yoongi hyung is already breaking," Hoseok said as he walked back into the office.

RM furrowed his brows and looked at Hoseok entering, "What?"

"Kyungmin's and Miss 'maiden in distress' over here's drama worked on him,"Hoseok looked at Dawon.

Dawon quickly turned around and pretended to be reading a file.

"Yah noona," Hoseok walked up to her, "Do the girls really not have any clothes?"

"They don't I swear," Dawon said, "When the scarface chased them, they didn't have time to grab their stuff from the station."

RM's eyes flickered up towards Dawon but he tried to look like he didn't care.

"Chincha those poor girls, they've lost everything," Dawon sighed, "And they can't even go back home."

"Arasso arasso," Hoseok stopped her, "Enough with the guilt trip?!"

"Does that mean you feel guilty?" Dawon asked expectantly.

"About what?" Hoseok scoffed.

Dawon pouted and turned back to read her files, "I'm just saying, for guys as rich as you lot, it's a bit pathetic you can't even spend a bit on them-"

"Noona!" Hoseok shouted.

"WHAT?!" Dawon shouted back.

RM stood up, "I'm going out for a minute," he said casually as he made his way to the door.

Dawon smiled victoriously but RM saw, "I'm not buying anyone anything."

Dawon pouted and looked away in annoyance as RM walked out.

"AISH!" Jin slammed his laptop on the table, "I can't get into the police files!"

"What are you trying to do?" Hoseok asked.

"I want to see what this CG guy's been up to but I can't access the damn system!"

Suddenly Dawon started smiling.


"Sir can I help you?" one of the staff at the store came to Suga as he stepped into a woman's clothing store.

"Neh," Suga looked around, "I need to buy clothes....a lot of them!"

"Neh, any particular ones?" the staff asked politely.

"It's for a girl and she," he looked around, "What do girls like?"

The staff smiled, "Is it for your girlfriend?"

"Huh? NO! Most definitely not!" Suga shook his head.

The girl giggled again and took him to look at some clothes.


"Ooooh something smells good," Kyungmin smiled and she smelt something sweet in the air. She walked into the kitchen and found the girls there.

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